40. Zou’s Master Plan. [2]

"You Asshole!!!"

Agatha shouted at the top of her lungs.

Her hair started floating defying gravity, her body started levitating. An orange and golden colored aura started radiating from her body.

Her eyes started burning with anger and became red.

"M-master! Please forgive this lowly servant!! AGHHH!!!"

Zou was unable to keep calm, as Agatha's aura was enough to torture him.

"You Bastard! Who gave you the right to sell out that treasure just for your petty revenge?! What did that boy harm you?!"

Agatha's anger was increasing with every passing moment.

Although beings like Agatha can't care less about puny mortals, for them to stoop so low just to satisfy their pettiness is unacceptable for her.

But the things Zou gave to Neel, were important to Agatha.

It was a souvenir of her adventurous days with her best friend. It was one of their memory, which had fun, stress, and a peal of laughter stuffed within.

The more she remembered the beautiful laughter she shared with her best friend, the worse her aura turned.

Her eyes turned white, and a crystal clear tear fell.

"You b-bastard, Zou!"

She was not able to vent her complete anger, because the person in front of her was her most trusted subordinate.

The one, who has supported her in all of her ups and downs.

"P-please master… he- cough ear me out."

Zou begged her repeatedly, he never imagined his master would react like this.

He was caught completely off guard.

"I-I gave the treasure to him for one more reason."

Agatha, who was fuming with rage tried her best not to release her full aura.

Otherwise, the domain in which she was hiding, will be crumbled into particles.

She tried to listen to Zou before taking any action.

"His potential!"

Zou saw that his master was calming down, so he continued.

"His potential is more than infinite, he survived that desert, there was a monster residing inside him. Not only that but also one hundred talismans were binding that power. If he learns your body refining technique, maybe he will be able to help you with the 69th form!"

Zou's last words completely calmed Agatha.

"69th form?!"

Her eyes widened in surprise.

Although she was in absolute need to complete the 69th form, it was impossible for her, due to one reason.

If Neel were to help her complete that form she can become, an unstoppable individual just like how she and her best friend were in the past.

But reality hit her hard.

"Haaa… What are you? A genius or dumb?"

She looked at Zou with eyes of disbelief.

"It took me and her around hundreds of thousand years inside that world, just to learn the 68 forms. And then some thousand years to master those."

A small sigh escaped from her mouth.

"Although it was because we were creating and experimenting along with learning. Her disciple took 50 thousand years to master 60 forms and then a few more decades to learn the remaining. I won't be able to live that long and wait for him to complete…"

Agatha kept muttering something to herself.

Zou was elated by looking at his master's same behavior as he saw the last time.

"Master, you are forgetting the monster inside of that boy. If he can help the boy, then I am sure that you will be able to complete this quest."

Interrupting her thoughts Zou continued.

"The most important thing about that boy was his soul strength. When I saw those things, I made a plan to give him those treasures and take the gamble. The revenge was just an afterthought. "

Zou told his master plan to Agatha.

"Hmm… if what you say is true, then maybe, just maybe… I will also be able to meet her again."

After listening to what Zou had to say, Agatha spoke her thoughts aloud while looking at the ceiling of her mansion.

Her memories of her adventurous days started to resurface.

She wanted to reunite with her best friend.

The woman who was looking like in her mid-twenties was a celestial beauty. She had achieved partial immortality through the SIMP body refining technique.

However, that immortality was vulnerable, she had to complete all the 69 forms and she and her friend as well as her friend's disciple. The only three people who took part in this quest had to complete the given task, otherwise, a fate worse than death awaited them.

"Now master, have you forgiven this lowly servant of yours?"

Zou looked at Agatha with puppy eyes, who was completely calm and looked like a sun princess.

As she looked at Zou's expression a soft smile appeared on her face.

"Although I am angry at you for your deeds, you have met me after a long time… so I will not punish you … not yet."

Zou's expression darkened when he heard his master's verdict.

But what choice does he has? His faith was set in stone.

And just like that, the reunion of the master and servant after a few thousand years continued without any issues.

Meanwhile, inside the Soul World Ariel and Neel were sitting inside a Japanese-style house.

On the tatami, two cushions were placed.

A female and a male, both having serious expressions on their faces were sitting on the cushions with their legs folded.

"So Neel, how can I say this? Um… the things I am going to tell you are top secret, and once I tell those things to you, you will no longer be able to break free… are you willing?"

Ariel's face was determined.

To this, Neel took a deep breath before giving his answer.

"I am willing."

Neel's answer surprised Ariel a little, however, that expression went just as fast as it came.

"Fine then, we need to talk."

After saying this, Ariel clapped her hands and the surroundings started changing.

The space started shifting, which greatly surprised Neel.

It was as if he was inside Hogwarts where objects were moving on their own.

The table near Neel started moving on its own, all the doors started flipping and in less than a minute both of them were sitting inside a park.

Neel's eyes widened as he did not expect this. It was looking like Neel and Ariel were on a date.

On a round table with two chairs, Ariel who was wearing jeans, a pink T-shirt and a leather jacket looked like an otherworldly beauty.

Their surroundings were sakura and maple trees.

This also took Neel by surprise. This weird combination still looked beautiful.

"So Neel, swear upon your name that you will not leak whatever I tell you anywhere outside."

Ariel's expression was serious.

And so was Neel's.

"I, Neel, swear upon my name, that the information you tell me, I will not leak anywhere outside."

Neel said with a determined look.

And as if his call was heard, a golden chain appeared and bound to Neel's and Ariel's right hands.

"Now that you have taken the oath, let me tell you..."

Ariel started narrating the most important things…


[A/N: Don't Miss these chapters as they are very important for the next part of the story!]