48. Past and Present [2].

"Honey! Are you okay?"

A worried manly voice was heard.

"D-dear… haaa… we finally did it."

A womanly voice replied.

"Y-yes! *sob* Now we *sob* d-don't have to fear… *sob*"

The man was holding back his tears for a long time and now the dam broke.

"Dear, what are you crying for? It was me who had the labor pain and not you!"

The woman teased him, however, if looked closely, her corner eyes were teary.

Holding her hands the man gave her a long and passionate kiss.


"Hmnf~ Dear! What are- mnff~ mnfff!"

She tried to push him away.

She just gave birth you know!

But she knew how worried her husband was so she did not reject him. Accepting his affection she waited for him to calm down.

"Haa… did you want to suck my life from my lips.! Our child is watching!"

She continued to lighten the mood with her cute reactions.

"Can you please stop with that fake smile, Nat?"

The man said in an unamused voice.

"You know I was also worried, and I cannot show you my weak side. I-it's e-embarrassing."

Her ears turned red.

"Yeah, yeah. Now let me see our third child."

Saying that the man held the newborn in his arms.

The supernatural beings were built differently.

Even a child looked otherworldly. Born with short, smooth, and silky white hair, the child looked adorable.

Opening its eyes the child looked at the man holding it in his hands.



While the man was talking to his third child, at the same time, someone barged inside and reacted to the adorable smile the toothless child gave.


The child giggled as he saw a woman approaching him and holding him close to her big breast.

"My lady, you gave birth to a heart stealer boy! I bet when he turns adult, even the daughter of King will submit herself to him."

[A/N: The woman is referring to the king of the gods that is 'Indra' (Little did she know her statement will turn true in the future.) HAHAHAHAHA~ (Evil laughter intensifies)]

"Lucy, don't joke like that. I don't want that guy to become my boy's father-in-law."

The man frowned.

"It's ok Aman, leave the serious subjects. You know, Lucy likes to compare everything to that man."

Nat waved her hand. She knew Lucy better than anyone else.

She was like this from the Primordial era.

Can such old habits change so easily? Absolutely not.

"Tehe~, Master, you know I have this bad habit~"

Sticking out her tongue the woman replied.

[Several days later]

Suddenly the light mood started turning serious.


A tear fell from Nat's eyes.

Tip- Tip-

"A-Aman *hic* d-do w-we really… n-need *hic* t-to d-do… *hic* t-this."

Nat asked while crying.

The previous strong woman crumbled, begged, and cried.

"I-I already left those two behind! Answer me! Aman! Why can't we take him with us!?"

Holding the collar of the man she loved so much and shaking him violently Nat asked.

"They both at least have their powers! And they are with our family! What about him!?"

She continued to shout.

But Aman remained indifferent. He put his hands on her shoulders.


Natasha stopped. She had to.

Aman was serious, he only called her by her full name 'Natasha' when he was serious.

"His body is overflowing with energy. I have to seal it, otherwise, his body will explode."

He replied to her calmly.

"And we have to leave him on this planet. I am sorry, but I am not strong enough to protect him while hiding and traveling. I am a worthless father."

Although his face looked calm, his insides were nowhere near calm. A storm of emotions was battling inside.

He was blaming himself for everything.

Biting his tongue, he did not let a single tear fall. He had to be strong.

"Trust me, Nat, for the last time."


"If I didn't trust you, do you think I would've run away with you?"

She slapped Aman, but he did not react to it.

"I am sorry for being a coward."

He said with a stiff smile on his face.

This in turn enraged Natasha…

Slap- slap- slap-

"You are not a coward! You are not… you are…"

While slapping Aman she eventually hugged him and fell unconscious.


Lucy's voice was heard when she entered the room.

Without turning around, Aman, while stroking Natasha's head said to Lucy.

"Take care of him, we will leave while she is unconscious, or at least that is what I want."

He said.

"I will appoint Amanda with you. She will be a great help."

Aman continued to instruct Lucy, while the latter listen and engraved each instruction in her soul.

"Master, there is only one problem."

Lucy said with a dejected look.

"I know. Even if you cannot leave that place, you can give your consciousness right?"

He asked.


Lucy answered.

"Then I will prepare a medium for you. Just transfer your consciousness into it unless my child awakens."

All this time he did not look in Lucy's direction.

Stroking Natasha's head he continued.

"There will come a game. They haven't decided on the name yet, but it will help these humans to gain cultivations, so make sure, he gets into it."

"Yes, master."

Aman started packing things up.

"My boy, your parents are leaving you, and I am sure you will hate us. But direct that hate toward me and not your mother. I am weak, and that is why I want you to be strong."

Aman kissed the forehead of his child.

Natasha was awake, but Aman made sure to seal her movements with his arrays.

He wanted her to say goodbye to their child and not force him to change his plans.

"Master, are you sure this thing is good?"

A robot wearing a maid costume asked.

"Yes, he will love it."

Aman tried to joke but failed miserably.

Even Natasha glared daggers at him.

He was a few days old child, you know!

For God's sake, don't promote child marriage.

"Well, he got two wives when he is not even a month old."

He tried to cover up but still failed miserably.


Both Lucy and Natasha snorted.

Amanda was not there yet.

Her arrival still had time.

"Speak to our child, Nat."

He said with a small smile.

Although angry and enraged, she knew they had to run away and this was the last time she will see her child.

Taking a good look at her child she smiled warmly.

"Hope you become strong enough to at least protect yourself, from the mess your parents have made."

Once again mood turned solemn.

"Umm. My Lady, how should I notice young master?"

Lucy was asking about the child's name.


Both Natasha and Aman looked at each other.

In all this serious environment they both failed to even name their child!

'I am worthless!'

Both Aman and Natasha said inside their head.

Natasha took a good look at her child's face.

His eyes were ocean blue.

She lost in his innocent eyes, and a moment later a word subconsciously left her lips.



[A/N: as I promised, on 8/8/22 the chapter is up! I am a man of the word after all! (Puffing chest)

But I would like to talk about this chapter.

1) Before anything else, there are no descriptions of the people mentioned, why? Because you will know that in upcoming chapters.

2) Know that Lucy's circumstances will be revealed at the appropriate time.

That is all!]

[I have a second Novel called 'Sin and Virtue System' which is currently loved by a lot of people so I recommend you to give it try. And Vote it as there is only one day left for WPC and we rank 13th. As I've promised, if you guys can help with the Novel reaching the top 5 I will give 10 chapters in total for the next two days after the WPC is over.]

So yeah~ See ya~
