Art Skills


Level: 9 (40/50)

Name: Seth Enoch 

Class: None

Title: None

[Body Status]

Health: Normal

Strength:  0.3

Dexterity: 0.9

Stamina: 0.4

Constitution: 0.5

[Body Traits]




[Acquired Traits]


[Personal Arms]

~Staff of Elevation

~Beginner Attire (3/10)

[Acquired Arms]

~Soothing Gourd


~Drawing Picture (G-)

~Painting (G-)

~Calligraphy (G-)

~Sculpture (G-)

~Antique Appraisal (G-)



~Drawing Picture Skills

~Painting Skills *

~Calligraphy Skills

~Sculpture Skills 

[You have three Innate Traits. Reach a condition and unlocked them]


As Seth stared at his status he was able to see that his Dexterity had shot up to 0.9 while Strength and Stamina did not change much.

At first glance he did not see his newly created skill but seeing an asterisk on Painting skills, he clicked it.

[Painting Skills]

~Haphazard Painting skill.

This is a painting skill created by Seth The Cripple. It's a fast-paced painting that requires less organization but just application of imagination. The higher the level the faster it could be finished.

[Chance of success in first try 10%]


"Chaotic Painting skill?" Nancy said.

"Haphazard Painting Skill!" Seth said.

"Well, it's the inferior version of mine. What was the success rate?"


Nanncy nodded but seeing Seth's questioning gaze, she said, "350%"

"You gotta be kidding me. And you said your skill is better?"

Nanncy laughed before she said, "We are still not in the same Realm. When I make that painting in the Manor I only glance at the girl once. And I was angry, I just did what I was asked to do fast to keep the chief off my neck. "

"So you were not trying?"

"Why will I try! Here, your painting is full of flaws, I will be ashamed if someone knows you are my student. Come let fixed these stupid errors you made. They are irritating my eyes!"

Then she began to tutor Seth again. Pointing out his mistakes and showing him how to fix them.

"This colour is too bold."

"Is this a snake eye or human? Did they look Asian to you!" 

"What about that bird? Since you capture the tree, capture the bird on it!"

"This old lady looked like crying. When old people gaze at young children they smile even if they are in pain. Fixed it!"

Tiny details that make difference in the painting were fixed until the paint was punished to almost perfection.

"There are countless other errors but they were made from the beginning, so fixing them will not make you understand a thing"




~Painting (G)


'The minus in G- has gone. Does that mean she can help me raise my talent? What is this woman made up of? Or is it the ability of her weapon?' 

Seth looked at Nanncy and saw her grinning. She gained EXP too.

"Let's continue with our lesson!"

Nanncy dragged Seth to a pond where villagers catch fish. She asked him to paint it in a calm, unhurried manner. 

One part at a time.

Seth took his time and forgot about the flow of time. Hours pass as he puts all his passion into it.



[Painting Skills]

~Organized Painting 


"Hoo," Seth took a deep breath. He checked the time and realized that he spent 4 hours. But when he took a look at his art, it was no different from the Haphazard Paint.


"Awe! Why did you hit me?" Seth complained.

"You aren't looking at it correctly. Take a step back and calm your mind. Look at it as a whole then bit by bit!"

Seth did as she asked. About two minutes later Seth began to feel and understand the difference.

Haphazard Paint is wild and captures your mind easily. This one is rigid, and unmoving. It's not inviting, one can even dismiss it.

It looked like arranged pictures where the characters knew they were being captured so they all made their poses.

The more Seth stared at it, the more he could feel its beauty. It was a Classic Painting filled with details. 

Details that will narrate your stories of what was happening. Bit by bit, Seth began to appreciate this painting better than the Haphazard. 

Haphazard is like a street snack or fast food. While Organized Painting is like well-cooked food at home.

"Alright, based on your reaction you figure it out. Storytelling Painting is hard. Let's fix this mess you made!"

Nanncy always burst his bubble whenever he thought he made a masterpiece. To her, his efforts were just child play. He wondered how the game ranked her talent!

"This is a complete mess. The arrangement of lighting elements and characters' direction were all wrong…"

Nanncy took her time to yell at him till he hated himself before she began to correct him. Every single thing she said was correct. 

"Hoo!" Seth sighed. He couldn't fathom this lady.




~Painting (G+)


Seth felt a jolt of a current shot through his head and then to the whole of his body. His body blurred and almost disappeared.

Health: Normal > Injured> Normal

"What happens?" Nanncy asked shocked.

"My talent... went from G to G+!" Seth said as he pants.

"Good. You will only consider yourself a full disciple of mine if you move your talent to C+" she said smugly.

"By the way what was your Art ranking!" Seth asked curiously.

Nanncy chuckled and said, "Novice!"

Seth stared at her. Wondering isn't that small a rank!

"Haha, you expect SSS+ Rank! Well, today I made a breakthrough. While you were busy. The thing was, after the G, F, E… SSS+ Rank was Novice Rank. It was another Realm completely!"

Artistic Rank was divided into Stages. 

Stage one: Skill Development

Stage Two: Talent Development

Stage three: Sharpening Talent.

There might be other stages above, but Nanncy now was at the Sharpening Talent Stage. 

She already has what it takes to make art. What she needed was flexibility, creativity and imagination that would set her apart from other talented individuals.



Level: 8 (20/100)

Name: Nanncy Abaddon Aeren 

Class: None

Title: None

[Body Status]

Health: Normal

Strength:  9

Dexterity: 18

Stamina: 12

Constitution: 13

[Body Traits]





[Acquired Traits]



[Personal Arms]


~Beginner Attire

[Acquired Arms]

~Scribe Tome x3

~Scribe Quill x4

~Ancient Scribe Tome x2






~Novice Painter (2300/10000)

~Novice Calligraphist (0/10000)

~Novice Sculptor (0/10000)

~Novice Dancer (0/10000)

~Novice Appraiser (0/10000)





~Painting Skills *

~Calligraphy Skills*

~Sculpture Skills*

~Dancing Skills*




[You have four Innate Traits. Reach a condition and unlocked them]

Nanncy was happy with her development. She wanted to level up to 10 like others but since she was stuck with Seth for the past three days she lagged behind others.

Her painting had 2300 EXP. She obtained it when she helped Seth increase his talent. Now she will make sure to grind him till she squeezed every EXP she can get from him!