Gold Dust Order

A blue-eyed, long brown hair, 160cm tall girl stood there. Her face was long with big eyes, and a small mouth. She should be cute but Seth found her eerie. Her skin appeared fake as if she was wearing it.

His heartbeat increased as fear started to engulf him but he tried hard and forced himself to be calm.

"Interesting!" Her voice was like a lullaby that seeped into one ear unnoticed.

"What is happening, Lady Mara?" Seth forced himself to ask. At the same time squeeze the palm-size Temporal Pearl that he held with his right hand. He was trying to see if the absorption will continue.

"I want that thing! Will you kindly give it to me!" Her smile increased but she only became eerier to Seth

"Ahm, it's mine. It came to me. And I'm…" 

She frowned and Seth froze. Fear, yes that feeling was creeping in on him!

"I'm the lady of Vulcan Town, you should show courtesy and give it to me. I know you have Noble Eloquent Talent in stage two!"

Seth frowned. So she watched him and Nanncy trained. Seth had used his time to squeeze whatever skill and talent that suits him from her. Among them were how to act in noble passion, how to dress and even how to speak.

"I'm sorry. I'm…" this time, pressure enveloped him. He felt it before, but it seemed different, this time more pure and targeted.

"Stop that!" 

The pressure disappeared as fast. That was Abuhe Vulcan's voice. He walked from behind and stood before Seth. He had a curious look as he gazed at Seth before he smiled.

"No wonder that woman sticks to you and teaches you things. You hide your talent well. Madam Mud did say that you scare her some time. It's safe to assume, the truth of you was a cripple dragon in human skin..."

Seeing Seth's confused face, he added with a sheepish smile, "I mean it metaphorically!"

"What do you want!?" Seth asked.

"It will be easier to generate a Quest. But you Otherwolders, have the backing of the World and it will not be issued. That's why you are here. In the Blank Space! What we want is this Temporal Pearl. My daughter wants it badly and that is the reason we are here in the Gawee Continent!"

Feeling no pressure, Seth's mind was able to process many things at the same time and one thing stuck out.

He was being robbed.

"You are a Dragon Slayer, you will have many chances to obtain more Pearls. Besides, you can pursue Dragon Class Category or Beast Class Category!

They are equally good!" Abuhe Vulcan said with a smile.

"That talk will not convince him. He is a Primera!" Mara said.

There was a shock on his face. "A Primeira of Otherwolders! That makes things complicated. Still, you will have a chance like this. We dwellers couldn't!" He said.

Seth frowned. He did read the whole notification and knew whatever this Pearl was, it was a big deal.

"I'm sorry but…." 

Abuhe Vulcan moved fast as he brought out a piece of paper that shone with silver colour. Then he slammed it in front of Seth, making the whole white space tremble. 

As the paper unfolded, golden writings appeared, shining brightly.

"I, Abuhe Vulcan Magma, Leader of this Town seek cooperation. I fed Seth Enoch, I protected Seth Enoch, and I accommodated Seth Enoch without harbouring disdain or ill thoughts. With that, I demand Seth Enoch sell me the Temporal Pearl that he holds in his right hand!" He said it in one fell swoop with a frown on his face!

The golden writings turned to dust and floated above the glittering paper, giving out melodic golden dust sounds!


It was beautiful to the ears but it also held a meaning!

~Make your offer~

Seth was apprehensive about it. They couldn't take the Pearl from him but now they were using some kind of magical contract!

Abuhe Vulcan brought out a round object and threw it in the floating dust. The dust enveloped it for two seconds.


~Apex Grade Womb Obtained~

This was what Seth understood from the sound. But Seth did not budge or try to see what would happen, he was not willing to give away the Pearl for anything else!



[Womb obtained]

[Accept it as your Personal Arms]


This was the familiar game ring.

"Come on, don't waste our time. Do you know what that is? My father battled a Dragon to obtain it!" Mara said with agitation. Still, Seth just stared at it.


~Abuhe Vulcan Magma request can't be denied by the Order~


~You, Seth Enoch wouldn't be forced either~


~The two of you will be trapped by me till one concede~

Abuhe Vulcan sighed, "As long as we can live, we will be trapped for eternity connected with it. I have 76 years with me. How many years do you have? I know the Artefact you use to travel to our world is an inferior version to the one Nanncy Abadden Aeren uses. And not even she can stay that long!"

"I also know, you people that love to call yourselves Players are not able to stay for more than six hours. Just concede! Seth, in the grand scheme of things, the Womb is better. You will have plenty of time to obtain more Pearls while this may be your only chance for the Womb!"

Seth wasn't convinced but that did not mean Abuhe wasn't telling the truth. He has limited time. Maybe the moment the game ejected him, he will lose the Pearl as that will mean he conceded. 

After a couple of minutes, Seth with a dried mouth and throat, croaked, "...okay!"

The Womb was a transparent ball and it flashed into Seth's body. He heard the notification of it being his now Personal Arm.

Both the daughter and father expressed relief but nothing happened. Seth assumed that maybe he should hand them the Pearl but something seemed off.

"I think the payment is not enough!" Abuhe said with a frown.


~First Pearl~

Yeah, how could they forget? This was the First ever Pearl a player obtained!

"Give him something of value!" Abuhe said.

"That Womb should be enough!" Mara retorted!

"If it's not First Pearl'' he said gravely as he glared at her.

Mara brought out a pause and rummaged through it before she brought out her earrings. The moment she threw it in Gold Dust they were spitted out. Meaning they were rejected.

The Golden Contract Order is partial. The fact they want Seth's object, then they need to provide something that will be useful to Seth even if it will be inferior to Seth's object.

"Give him something of value. By this time the town will be destroyed if that thing escapes my entrapment!"

Abuhe might be agitated now but he was willing to sacrifice the whole town for his daughter.

"Dad, how about you gave him that Cape!" Mara pouted.

"What an ungrateful daughter you are. I used a King Level Contract Order and gave him my Apex Womb that almost took my life, and you still want me to sacrifice something!" He flared out.

Mara was green with embarrassment before she threw many other things but they were all rejected.

"He has a low Constitution, giving him anything that will demand his physicality will be rejected. You idiot!" Abuhe shouted and that caused the white space to tremble.

Then she brought another pause and pulled out a similar transparent ball. A Womb!

Inside were many squirming colourful worms made of energy. She hesitated as she looked at her father.

"He is strong!" Abuhe said.

Mara took out two purple worms and threw them in the Gold Dust. Entering the Gold Dust, they quickly turn Azure colour.


~Aura Worms Obtained~

Seth stared at them, "...okay!"

The worms were shot fast to his eyes and they dived into the eyes, in just seconds they began devouring them. He screamed with pain but his body was forced to freeze in place by the Gold Dust.

"So, the Order can support convergence?" Mara wondered.

"King Level, idiot. King Level!" Abuhe scowled.

A few minutes later, Seth calmed down but his eyes were blank before he regained his sight.

"Impressive. Outstanding Mental Fortitude!" Abuhe commented.

Still, no reaction from Gold Dust. The father and daughter understand, they need to give more.

It took some minutes with them discussing before the two settled on something. This time they were praying not to be asked for more. A long cylindrical container was thrown into the Gold Dust. 

There was a delay before acceptance and the Gold Dust gave it to Seth after he answered okay.


~throw the Pearl ~ 

With a bleeding heart, Seth threw the Pearl in the Gold Dust. The Pearl immediately changed colour many times before it was thrown to Abuhe which in turn made Mara grab it.