Class Society!

After Adamina checked the specs, she realized the problem.


[Adamina Equipment]

Name: Pickaxe

Grade: Pseudo-Uncommon

Durability: 100

Effect: Induce Vibration

Energy: (7/7)


She made a pickaxe with (7/7) energy instead of (10/10) and it can only be considered Pseudo-Uncommon.

Adamina removed the gloves and apron and stretched her hands putting her flowing jacket on, She went out to catch her breath.

"And this idiot said we shall all learn these kinds of skills!" She complained.

"It was frustrating doing something over and over again with no reward. Not even that little EXP or saying Proficiency Level increased."

Adamina began to wonder how the hell others are keeping up. She had Blobby to aid her, what about them? But maybe with an Instructor one will not make so many mistakes. 


Seth stood in one of his G Series Workshop Rooms.  

In order for him to get a grasp on how to better use his Talent, his mother made him classify the skill mastery!

Sarah, as a common woman, can't understand what made G+ better than G-. In fact, she found most of his G- paintings more impressive.

To make Seth have a decent foundation and know what he was doing, three painting rooms were dedicated based on different Mastery!

~G- Room.

~G Room.

~G+ Room.

Right now, Seth was in G- room and all the paintings stored were on that ranking. He is now going to practice every skill at that level in order to get a better understanding of it.

Seth stared at the whiteboard, his attention was at an all-time high. He was going to paint a flower that will be placed in Anna's Art Gallery.

"He seems more composed!" Anna said.

"Yes. He needs to be. Being a Genius is not easy. They tend to confuse themselves with too many parallel ideas. But with a bit of planning and guidance, one can have his mind straight with less confusion. As he was in G- room his entire focus will be on things he knew on that level!" Sarah explained with satisfaction.

"Hmm, if not for this shitty Class System you would have become a great Guidance and Counselor!" Anna praised her mother.

"Well, I get to use what I know on my children, that is sufficient for me!"

While they were discussing, Seth turned to them and said. "I realized another thing that I'm missing!"

"What?" They asked.

"Real-life visual experiences. Almost everything I can imagine was a thing, I only saw in pictures or videos… what I need is to travel around and allow my eye to absorb the true natural world."

"Good, prepare, we are going to the Capital!" Evidently, Anna was looking for an excuse to leave the house—and Seth just gave her that.

The Capital was a Classless City where everyone was welcome. It's also a place where business was thriving and many people went there to get their pie.

The strict Class Society came into being after the comet impact. At that time, machinery, electricity and even lightning were out for more than a decade. Only flashes of multiple flames during thick clouds and rain!

People were forced to live in harsh manual ways. Farming, rearing, foraging, travelling. Well, except for bicycles and steam engines that people tried to replicate!

Death due to disease and accidents when using heavy tools all made life a living hell for modern people! 

The humans had dominated the forest and tamed the beast but without their mighty techs, the beasts went out of control. And in just short years—the felines and canines and other carnivores hunted humans for food. Especially those that live close to the wilderness.

That was during the Anarchy before humans reorganized themselves and brought back the use of gun powders and alike.

At that time, most people were horrified and didn't gain their bearing, they became reliant on the courageous once.

That was when the Rankings began, those that contributed to society were Ranked higher and had better living and food.

While those that wallow in despair got only the minimum share. They were at the bottom and were Ranked lower

And even after everyone started contributing, some provide better than others. The ranking stayed.

As time went on, people got used to that, or the ones at the top did but also they were the ones risking their lives to find food and other stuff.

After many years, the lightning in the sky returned and twenty years later, there was a sudden change in things. 

A Nation rose that revived a little bit of old technology and they decided to share it with the world. Whether with good or bad intentions, the world didn't care if they wanted their old life back.

With the surge of technology, there was a shuffle in Ranking. That was, an engineer that can't hunt wild animals was lower-ranked, however, after the technology returned, that person became the new force for the society due to their knowledge and that turned him higher ranked.

People with brains and technical know-how rose under the protection of those with power.

Firearms come back!

Those with muscles were no longer a threat!

A power struggle began in all parts of the world and many rose to power due to having high-tech weapons.

In fifty years, all machinery and old technology were back and in subsequent years more advanced technologies were introduced.

Due to the suffering of the world, they did not limit the rapid advancement and didn't care about the precaution as every nation wanted to put something on the table!

After years of technological advancements that surpass the old world, saturation occurred and that brought about the collapse of societies, not because of war but because of a lack of jobs. As all labour was replaced by machines!

After nations were rebuilt the System of Class was also reintroduced.

Your Class defines what you can offer to your nation. Citizen classes were divided into 5. Class A, B, C, D, E! 

Those at the top were the Engineers, Doctors, Politicians and people that held important positions. As for Class E, they were people that had little to no job.

However, there were also those that are above Class A—they are... the Nobility.