Sir Mathew

"Don't hurt him, you know he has a weak body!" The man added. That was when the agent dropped Seth at the entrance of the parlour and walked to one corner of the room and stood.

Sarah came to Seth's rescue and pulled him to one side of the room. 

"As we were saying, giving you 10% of the share will be alright in that company due to the narrated reasons!" The man concluded with a fake kind smile.

Adam stammered as he said, "We… understood you, sir Mathew!" Adam then turned to the other elders of the family and they all nodded their heads vigorously.

"Okay, let's all sign the contract, right!" Sir Mathew, the main character of the meeting, said. His Secretary brought some papers and handed them to Adam, and he signed them before he handed the papers to other elders and they all signed them. Other papers were also provided and some of the kids that were present signed.