Seth In Cuffs


The timer he put on the Oven clicked, Seth, walked over and opened it. He checked the clay Jug that was inside and he sighed with a dejected look. It was a failure. Nonetheless, he took it out and let it cool down before he glazed it appropriately with colours and left it in the workshop before he left for home.

On their way, Anna asked him a lot of questions regarding Malinda and how he knew she could generate TE. Seth just grunted without telling her the fact that he can sensed the energy. 

Later on, she continued to pester him to tell her, if he knew how to use the energy, and also what assignment Raaz gave him.

"I can't tell you everything. Raaz warned me that at this stage this shouldn't be happening. If it is found out that someone can make it, then they will become lab rats!" In the end, he convinced her to stop looking for it.

Anna nodded in understanding. She knew some of these things too but the way the information came was always vague
