Special And Unique

Suddenly he realized what if it attacked the humans. He quickly followed it. While Seth was going around looking whether the humans will be harmed, there was a Gawee Beast, a powerful one digging through underground and moving toward Living Roots.

Far above in the sky was the Fire Dragon that attacked the little monster when it was evolving.

On the ground though was an Antler. It was strange, it was white, glowing like the moon. It seemed to be looking for something to eat from the ground but nothing suitable.

The abhorrent monsters were avoiding it, but those that were close have their malformed body reformed to some semblance of normality. Some even achieve half evolution, coming closer to Gawee Monster.

The dragon was eyeing the anomaly, it can feel that the antler was special and non-corrupted. If a baby dragon was close by, they would love to kill it as their first kill.