Dangerous Trial

It was then that he recognised the effect of the plant's auras. Most of them affected his aura and made his body energized.

To not waste energy, he set the painting papers. He wallpapered the walls with them, and prepared the ink, when weakness hit him, he recognised there was an aura that has some poison effect now affecting him. 

But he knew it wasn't critical as such he just continued.

Seth watched his skin developing rashes and becoming dark brown. He immediately used Moon Stigma to eliminate more aura outside his body but it didn't seem to be the solution.

He had no choice but to come out in the sun, sit, close his eyes and then focus on his heart and blood flower. His heart crushed the impurities while blood aura tried to elevate his aura blood conditions.

This became worse at noon, the poisonous aura that came from the poisonous plant was very potent. Seth didn't expect that at all.