Something Demonic...!

The abilities gave The Great Maw a new facet of usage after being absolutely tamed by First Might.


[By the will of the Tome Of Silence owner, Great Maw can manifest on the part of his body or items.]

[Great Devourer]

[Great Maw's main ability is to consume living things but Great Devourer can devour every other thing but with some damage.]


[Great Maw is alive as part of The Swimmer but immortal alone]


With the Great Devourer Abilities Seth made The Maw consume the attacks and it worked. Not only that, consuming the attacks made the attacker feel they lost something.


[Great Maw is destroyed]

"Haha!" Seth chuckled as he felt The Swimmer squirming as the Maw resurrected on it.

The tribesman that sent the column of fire had already moved away to avoid the incoming chakram, strangely it followed him as if it had its mind while Seth was dealing with the dragons.