Blessed Race

The horses neighed and moved; the blasting kept coming from the lantern bells, creating no man zone around the cart.

Seth, from inside, has focused his attention on the bells. They have automatic aim and attack.

That shouldn't be surprising because they are actually in charge of warning Seth from danger.

Of course, they can aim and attack.

But one thing was they prioritised those that were close by. They also do not shoot at a monster twice.

There was one beast that was attacked. He wasn't injured much but no attack reached it again despite him not being dead.

But the moment the beast moved to attack the cart again when another attack reached it.

With 39 stamina Seth can surely hit the damn drum harder and continually.

But still, it wasn't enough to activate the mechanism. Well, he knew how to speed things up, but he wanted this exhilarating situation.

At least he should test his hard-earned strength and stamina, right?