Special Humans

"Your evolution is permanent." The man said with a waved of his hand.

A snap was heard around Seth and a wide transparent wing opened from his body. His aura flooded out and rush of coming back to normal. But with more additional perks that the sealing hid.

However, his physical strength began to decrease.

With another hand wave, Seth abilities flew out of him and they appeared individually. Temra Aspecto was heating and cooling scale, a dot that dispersed and coaleced, an Illusory thin string, a tiny baby blue whale but white in colour, worms and many others.

Among them a transparent wings connected with five tensile strings. It was the size of his palm and flapping around.

It appeared alive and weak.

That was Deific Seal.

Seth stared at it, the pain in his psyche rose but he pushed it away as he began to ponder.

He refrained from asking the man if he would remove it permanently but asked.