Lanek & Pabera

Ahli was still in awe seeing a real-life elf. He always knew about them from the fantasy media that he consumed, but to see it in person was something that was quite jarring. It felt partly like a dream, even though it did remind him as well that he is in a fantasy world.

"There seemed to be something that has distraught your mind. What has seemed to be the problem?"

The elf lady had taken notice of Ahli's situation, well, of course, she would take notice. Ahli was basically staring at her with eyes widened and an open mouth, anybody that did that surely would be noticed by other people.

"Um, sorry. It's just…you're an elf?" Ahli could not know any other way of rephrasing the words, so, he thought of just going for it and asked the question.

"I am indeed a part of the kin that you've mentioned."

There were no surprised or denial expressions that came out of the elf lady, as she seemed to think of it as a piece of normal information.