The savage head was also having a special moment as his beginning of turn effect took place. It went low to the ground and started to move zigzag, aiming for anything that it could snap. Ahli gave the command to Sharon to fall back as the head was coming at them, and they were able to avoid it in time, even though the same thing could not be said to the villagers who were standing behind him and Dite before.

Two of them were too late to dodge and got bitten. The sound of their cracking bones was heard in unison with their scream in pain. Ahli and Dite who were separated saw the scene in agony as both were unable to do a thing to save them. While still chewing its victim, the savage head moved back, placing itself behind the other two.

Seeing this development, Ahli felt the plan to use Spellblade needed to be executed as soon as possible, and as quickly as he could, he ran, approaching Dite again, as he was one of the two candidates for this spell.