A Talk Toward the Sunrise Part 4

The look that she had gradually become less with fear and more on the bright positivity. The warmth of hand that Ahli gave her had covered most of the surface of the back of his palm, and it could be clearly seen from how she had less tremor on the grip.

The positive direction of the progress made Ahli felt the positivity as well. He was less worried with the truth and felt that it would be okay for him to ask her a more personal question. To that fact, he moved on with the next question.

"Who is this man? I assumed you two must be close right?"

Jena squeezed her lips, she was seemingly thinking of what should be said to Ahli, of how the words should be threaded. Licking her lips one time, Jena finally gave Ahli the answer he was waiting.

"Amroth...Amroth was the first person…that I met in this world and helped me to survive."