Transit Point Part 2

It was not long for Ahli to wait until the old man returned to him with a glass in his hand. It was not the usual jug for ale, and therefore it was smaller in size. One who is used to drinking a big amount in a jug might get offended by it, but as Ahli had his own image of the drink that was offered to him, he was already expecting the glass to be smaller.

"Hope you don't mind about the size." The old man apologized.

"No, it's fine. I kinda expected it."

"Oh, really? How so?"

"When you described it, somehow it made me think of a drink that was similar to it in my hometown." Ahli was careful enough to explain that he knew he should not speak of the fact that he was from another world.

"Is that so? Then, is this the same one you have in your hometown?"