The Final Boss - 1st Battle - Soul Syphon

Carta started her 2nd turn by getting a new card from her deck. It was quite lucky for Ahli maybe that aside the information, the number of cards in Carta's hand significantly dropped by two cards, making it into 3, even though it had added again to 4 by the beginning of this turn.

Jena was seemingly looking at the new card, but then pulled another card from her hand, indicating that Carta seemed to stick with her original, whatever it was. Ahli thought that it was for a mana source, but quickly surprised as she gave out her command and cast the card. "Paying with one metal mana. Equip Juggernaut Offspring, o Spear of Wodash!"



[Hero Artifact - Two Hand]

Equipped unit or card mage gets +1 Power and 1+ Life.

They also gain Breakthrough and Soul Syphon.

Mana: -