The Final Boss - 3rd Battle - Within Her Trap

The shout was like the sound of a pistol in a race. With it heard, Ahli quickly gave his command.


The plants, zombies, and Corpse Puppeteer all made their move approaching Anzu's side. And Ahli was sure that this would end the long battle once and for all. She only had three units, so nothing could stop the rest 68 units that were marching across the battlefield.

"I bet you thought this would finish it, huh? OPEN TRICK!"

The one card that was facing down quickly turned up and Ahli knew he was careless when he saw the card.



╠ Trick Spell  ╣

Opponents' units with power of 2 or higher

could not attack, block, move, or use any

abilities until the end of your turn.

Add a devotion counter.
