7 - The Meeting, the Prince, and the Glasses

I lolled my head got the side and sighed. What was I even doing here?

"It'll be REALLY fun, you won't be bored."

"Okay, fine, I'll go."

Oh wait, I remember now.

I heaved another deep sigh, putting my hand in my shallow pocket. The girl in front of me was twiddling her thumbs and smiling shyly, which just made my boredom multiply tenfold. I'm going to kill that fucking bastard when I get back. I thought, narrowing my eyes ever-so-slightly and giving her a dazzling smile. She instantly swooned and fell to the floor.

I boarded a carriage and was sent back to the Palace. And by that time, I was truly pissed off. He said it'd be fun. 'You won't be bored, no no no.' Hahahaha. Well guess what, fucking prince, I've just gone through three marriage proposals after three marriage meetings in the same venue in YOUR place. I bet you were expecting them to decline me and use me as your toy to send to girls. Hahaha, this is so funny. I'm so fucking happy that you lied to me and got me even more pissed off than I already was. Hahahahaha. I walked into my room. My suit felt unusually tight as I opened the door.

The first thing that entered my sight was a boy shuffling through my clothes, lying on my bed, completely naked.


"Ah, what are you doing here, Shires? It's so nice to see you today. What might you be doing?" I cut him off and smiled. I ignored his bare gleaming ass shining right next to me, completely unfazed.


"Hahahaha, this is so funny. First you send me on three marriage interviews, saying it'll be fun, don't worry about it! Then I come back here, and see you going through my stuff like it's your own property. This is so hilarious." I shifted my eyes to his open dick and my smile grew wider. "So. How should I punish you?"

I grabbed him by his hair and forced him up, ignoring his 'ow's and made him kneel on the cold floor. "Castrate... bashing... or maybe I should just rip it off... you know, it's your cock, so you can choose. I'm not the Devil, after all~" (A/N: ...)


A loud scream was heard.

I let out a satisfied sigh and walked out of my room with a metal pole in hand. On the tip of it was three drops of red blood. It oozed down the pole as I said, "Should I tell the king that his prince is now infertile? Hmmm..." I pondered as I tapped my chin with my forefinger, narrowing my eyes and smiling innocently. My thick lenses blocked the cruel amusement dancing in my eyes. If one had the chance to see my smile, they would never guess that I was bashing the third prince's little brother to death just a few seconds ago.

"Hahaha, that was fun. I'm happy now."


I looked down at his dazed face and pushed my glasses up as it slipped down. Shires was laying down, facing the ceiling, in his large king-sized bed, with silky black sheets covering his bruised and battered body. Ever since I killed his dick, he's been in recuperation in his bed, unable to move. I was quite proud of my handiwork. I only did one, hard swing to his little brother, and I got bullseye. I smiled, looking down fondly at the small lump in the sheets, like a caring mother looking at her newly born baby.

"Ahhh, I really am the best, aren't I?"


"I mean, one swing, and I could knock you down."


"It was so small, too..."


"Hahaha, maybe I should do it again."







(A/N: Shires' POV.)

I sighed and slumped back into the bed, careful not to move my lower body and re-injure my... ahem. Today, I learned a new side of Nyx. And it was far more scary than any of the sadistic, mad, crazed, bloodthirsty sides I've seen to him before. I shuddered. I swear, I'll never offend Nyx again. How can a man do that to another man and still feel no sympathy for them? I'm scared...

"I bet you're thinking that you'll never cross me again, huh." A smiling Nyx with his glasses firmly planted on his face appeared behind me, whispering words into my ear.


"Hahaha, hello~" He swung his head to the side and cooed. His glasses pressed against my nose as he laid down in bed with me. I blushed and looked away. Badump. My heart started pounding. ...Badump? BA... DUMP??? SERIOUSLY, SHIRES?! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! AM I A MASOCHIST?!

I shook my head vigorously, my orange hair bouncing along with me. I coughed twice before attempting to change the subject (which was never even brought up in the first place). "Why do you wear glasses in the first place? It can't conceal your identity or anything. And it seems like a hassle to wear."

"Hmmm, I wonder why."


"Well, it's because I'm bored."

"Everything you do is because you're bored."

"That's true. I'd commit suicide if I was bored enough."


"Hahaha, you look so surprised. I'll just die, it's not really that important."


"I'd just get reborn, anyways. But I suppose this time, I can't die, because this is my last chance in life to revive Little Al..."


"Hmmm, never mind. Anyway, the point is, I'm better than you."

"When was that the point?"

"Don't worry, you'll never have any chance of catching up to me, so you don't even have to try. Just sit down and accept the fact that I'm better than you. It'll give you some closure."


"Oh, though I suppose, you wouldn't really do that, now would you."


"Hmmm, let's have a contest. Girls vs boys. That'll give you some closure."

"But you're a man-"

"Oh, I won't be competing, though. A girl called Shurian Hoven will be competing. She'll help you get closure at your inferiority."


"Tomorrow afternoon, at nine. Be there~"

"How did this come up again? I'm so confused... I'm better than Nyx. Who does he think he is? Wait... girls versus boys? When... haaah? Huuuh? No, I'm the best. I'm the best. Boys are superior. FINE! I'll be there!" By the time I finished my reply and processed the strange conversation, Nyx had already disappeared.



A maid came shuffling into my room at my call. "Yes, your highness." She said. Her head was down, her hands neatly folded together.

"I'm the best, aren't I?"

"Yes, your highness, you are the best." Her monotone voice entered my ears, but I paid it no mind and nodded seriously.

"Hmph. Well, of course I am. I am an unparalleled genius in the making."

"Yes, your highness, you are an unparalleled genius in the making."

"And I can even beat that di... ahem, bashing Nyx, right?"

"Yes, your highness, you can even beat that dick bashing Nyx."

"Yes, I can. You're right, Anna!"

"Yes, your highness, I'm always right."

"...How can you say that with a straight face?"

"Because I know that I'm simply telling the truth, your highness."

"...You're really shameless, you know that, Anna?"

"I'm not as shameless as your highness, so don't fret, I'll be fine."
