

I'm in trouble!

Shugar was swift to jump from her seat. I took a step back, fearing the worst as she lifted the phone from the floor. The broken pieces of the phone fell off immediately and I swallowed hard.

"I'm sorry" I muttered miserably and she raised her hand to slap me. I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for the impact. It never came.

I opened my eyes to see Mrs Moore holding her hand. I gulped hard and kept my gaze on the floor.

"Don't hit her. It was an accident and you know it. You can buy as many of them as you please, just let it slide okay?. Forgive her" Mrs Moore spoke calmly, letting go.

Shugar huffed and stormed upstairs. I lifted my head slowly to look at her retreating figure. You did it Ariel! Your crush hates you!.

"I'm really sorry, ma'am" I apologized to Mrs Moore. Even if she seemed nice enough, I didn't want to get fired.

"Have a seat" She easily smiled at me and I quickly sat. She called on a maid to offer me a drink.

"Thank you" I bowed, taking the glass from her. She cast me an amused look but walked out without a word. My gaze returned to Mrs Moore, who was watching me curiously.

"What is your name?" She asked.

"Uhm... Kim Hana" I replied.

"I see. Go ahead and drink up" She urged.

"Oh" I mumbled, taking a gulp immediately.

"So how long have you known my son?" She asked and I almost choked.

"Huh?" I looked quizzically from her to Mrs Rose. What son?.

"Canaan. How long have you been together?" She asked again and my eyes widened. What Canaan? Like Canaan Moore?. What is going on?.

I could swear I have never met him before. I've seen him on TV, a lot of times, crushed a little but that was it. Together was a very big leap from reality.

"Uhm.....I think there's a mistake somewhere. I don't..."

"Mistake? But you were scolding him just now" Mrs Moore interrupted, narrowing her eyes. Scolding?. My brain seemed to lock down immediately.

I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. That jerk was Canna Moore? Like "The" Canaan Moore. My palms felt sweaty so I quickly dropped the glass on the table before my hands betray me.

"I.... we.... you're mista..... actually...." My mouth refused to cooperate even when the words were just at the tip of my tongue. She smiled at me.

"It's okay, dear. You don't have to be do nervous" She laughed.

"Kim, relax. You look like you've seen a ghost. She's not that scary" Mrs Rose chuckled.

"Huh? No...uhm...sorry" I bowed in apology, feeling stupid.

"What do you do? Are you working?" Mrs Moore continued her questioning.

"Yes. I used to work at a pizzeria but now I'm here as Mrs Rose' assistant" I replied. I hoped she could pick a hint from there. That I was a nobody who couldn't possibly date her son.

"Really?" She paused, with a thoughtful expression. "You came to work under your boyfriend, interesting! What other plans have you both made? Maybe you plan to share a bed too" She teased and I gasped.

"No...no... you're getting it wrong. I am not his..." I tried explaining but she interrupted again.

"But it's fine. I don't mind" She grinned. Before I could say anything else, her phone rang and she left us to answer it.

"You didn't tell me you knew Canaan Moore. I was shocked to see you scolding him like you've known each other" Mrs Rose said. I quickly moved over to her side.

"I was trying to explain that but she wouldn't let me. I really don't know him. Not in the way you think. He used to come to the community library. I didn't know who he was until now" I explained and she frowned.

"So this is just a misunderstanding? Oh Kim! You have to tell her before this lands you in trouble".

"I tried. I really did but she wouldn't let me explain. What do I do now?" I sighed.

"Wait for her to return then clear the air. I need to rest now, I'm tired. You can come with me so I can show you my room. Yours is just beside mine" She said and I nodded absentmindedly.

I followed her upstairs and she led me to her room. It didn't seem different from other rooms but it was slightly smaller and the room was joined with the living room.

"It's beautiful. I can't believe we have a room in the main mansion. Like we share the same house with the Moores. Everything feels like a dream" I said and she smiled.

"It feels like a dream alright, but my salary is a bigger dream" She said and I laughed. She stared at me for a while and I shot a questioning look.

"You made a great choice, Kim. You will be happy here. We wi live happily, I know it" She said and I hugged her.

"I believe you".

I got to my room and changed into my own clothes. I thought of returning the clothes but decided I would when she cools off a bit. I didn't want that slap even if I deserved it.

I pulled on a comfortable shirt and hopped on my bed. My eyes wandered around the room until it landed on the bookshelf. It had so many books that I felt sorry for myself. If only I could read properly, I wouldn't mind trying out some of them.

I didn't know when I fell asleep but when I woke up, I could hear Puppy bark. Where has she gone to now and why was she barking?.

I sat up and yawned. I felt tired and drowsy. I stretched and got off the bed. I glanced at the time. 11pm. Great! I missed dinner too.

I wore my slippers and walked out of the room.

"Honey?" I called but she didn't come. Her barking only decreased. Is she okay?. I hurried downstairs but there was no sign of her. I rushed outside.

"Please have you seen my dog?" I asked one of the guards but he only stared blankly at me. I repeated the question.

"I don't understand" He spoke in English. Oh!

"I'm looking for my dog" I spoke in English.

"It went that way" He pointed to the left and I bowed in appreciation before running off.

"Honey" I called and I heard her bark. I followed it quickly and found her in the rose garden. She was stuck between the thorns and bleeding.

I gasped and quickly rushed to her. She whimpered on seeing me. I tried to get her out but I couldn't. Both her legs were stuck and bleeding. I felt like crying. Hkw long has she been like this.

"Don't worry, I'll get you out" I told her and looked around for a guard or anyone closeby.

"Do you need help?" Someone asked and I quickly turned to reply but my jaw dropped. He bent over and carefully got her out.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out as I kept staring in disbelief.