Spilling coffee


My heart stopped as soon as I met those voilet orbs.

He stared at me in confusion and I was trying not to panic.

"S-Sir?" I stuttered and he sat up.

"What are you doing here?" He sighed, getting off the bed. I was too stunned to reply. I was trying to steady my breathing and recover from whatever just happened.

He seemed to have forgotten about me cause he began cleaning up his mess. I watched him run his hands through his hair countless times as he arranged the sheets.

I snapped out of my trance and got off his bed. He looked tired and stressed out. He even had eyebags. Was he working throughput the night?.

I bent over to pack the sheets with him. As soon as we were done, I handed the ones I picked to him. He looked stunned for a second, like he didn't remember I was in here with him or how I got here.

He probably didn't even remember what happened few minutes ago. He took the sheets from me and dropped them on his bed.

He got back on the bed, pulling the laptops closer. Is he really going back to work?. I sighed and picked his jewelries and money, scattered around. I dropped them on a side stool and cleared my throat awkwardly.

"Uhm...sir?" I called but he didn't look away from his laptop or give a sign that he heard me. I glanced at the ringing phones and wondered if they were contributing to his deafness.

"What would you like for breakfast?" I rose my voice a bit. He didn't reply so I got closer and repeated it.

"I'll have something later" He said and I frowned. Something later how?.

"How about tea? Or coffee?" I asked. He sighed.

"Do whatever you want" He dismissed me.

I returned to Mrs Rose and told her their orders.

"Sir Canaan said he would have something later. I didn't understand what he meant but I hope he he likes tea. Or maybe hot chocolate" I suggested and she chuckled.

"I'm not sure he would want chocolate, Kim. If he had been overworking himself as you said, he'll probably need caffeine to keep up".

"Oh" i mumbled.

"Help me take this to the dining table" She said. "Be careful Kim. Don't go spilling coffee on yourself or anyone" She added and I nodded.

I made sure to be careful with the coffee and toast. I got a packet of cereal for Sir Cheng with a tin of milk and sugar.

Few minutes later, everyone came down except Canaan. I kept staring at the stairs wondering when he would come down.

"Where's your breakfast, Kim?" Shugar asked.

"Uhm...in the kitchen" I replied.

"Get it and join us".


"Eat with us, Kim. That's what I said" Shugar smiled. I glanced at Cheng who was busy mixing his cereal.

"Oh okay" I bowed. I went to the kitchen and got a cup of tea and toast with eggs. I returned to the table to join them but 8 couldn't stop looking at the stairs.

"What are you staring at?" Cheng asked suddenly. I quickly took a sip of my tea to avoid the question but I forgot how hot it was. I yelped as it burnt my tongue and dropped it quickly.

"Here, have water" Shugar offered and I quickly gulped it. My cheeks burned with embarrassment immediately.

"Sorry" I muttered.

"She was checking for her boyfriend. I guess she doesn't know he doesn't take breakfast" Shugar told Cheng. My jaw dropped.

"He's not..."

"Canaan has a girlfriend?" Cheng asked, genuinely surprised. I wanted to speak but Shugar was already answering.

"Yes. It came as a surprise to all of us. I couldn't believe it. I probably wouldn't have if I didn't see that meek expression on his face when she scolded him".

I almost choked. There was nothing meek about his expression. I only saw the irritation. The punk!

I decided to focus on my breakfast but I couldn't stop glancing at the stairs. Maybe I should take the coffee to him.

"Where did you two meet?" Cheng asked.

"Uhm...at the library" I replied, pouring a cup of coffee.

"The most unlikely place he would be. It is indeed surprising. I didn't think he would be capable of love" Cheng said and Shugar laughed.

"Me neither".

I got a plate of bread with eggs and replaced it in my tray. I got up and they looked at me curiously.

"Uhmm...I want to take it to him. I will be right back" I said quickly and walked away so I wouldn't hear their teaaing or whatever they thought.

I made sure to climb the stairs carefully so it wouldn't spill. As soon as I got to his door, I got ready to knock but the door opened immediately and he bumped into me. I gasped as the coffee spilled all over his shirt and phone.

I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out as he hissed in pain. He stared at his shirt then his phone. Both covered in coffee. I swallowed as I saw his reddening wrist.

Why didn't I just mind my business and stay back. I would enjoyed my breakfast free from trouble. What am I going to do now?.

I couldn't meet his eyes. I braced myself up for scolding or a slap if need be. It wasn't my fault but it wasn't his either.

"I'm s-sorry" I stuttered but he walked back inside without a word. Guilt ate through me. He should have atleast screamed at me.

I followed him and dropped the tray on one of the tables and ran upstairs after him. He took off the shirt and I gasped. His chest area was bright red.

Oh Kim! What have you done?. Tears built up in my eyes. What do I do?. I ran downstairs to the kitchen ignoring everyone.

"Kim, what happened?" Mrs Rose asked as I ran to her.

"I spilled coffee on his mistakenly and his chest is burning. What do I do? He's in pain" I sobbed.

"Calm down. Calm down, okay? I'll get you a balm to apply on the burn. Follow me".

We got to her room and just as she said, she gave me a balm. I ran back to his room and met him dabbing his chest with a damp cloth.

"I'm so sorry, sir. I didn't mean to. I got something that could help, please.." I pleaded as I opened the balm.

I took a bit on my finger and reached for his chest. I froze as I realized what I was about to do. Is he really going to let me touch him like that?.

I looked up to find him staring warily at the balm in my hand. Maybe I should let him apply it himself.

"Can you....." I stretched it to him as the words refused to come out He sighed and reached for the one on my finger.

He applied it on his wrist first and hissed.

"Sorry sir... I'm so sorry.." I apologised. When he finished using the one on my finger, he took the one in the container and applied on his chest.

"Is it better, sir?" I asked but he didn't reply as he kept applying it.

"What is going on here?" I heard suddenly. Great! I'm about to get fired!

Shugar rushed to Canaan and gasped as she saw the damage.

"What happened?" She asked looking between both of us. I couldn't find the words to answer.

"Well someone answer me" She snapped, glaring at both of us.

"The coffee spilled" He sighed and Shugar turned to me accusingly. I lowered my gaze as my eyes stung with tears.

"It was my fault" He added and I looked at him. "I wasn't looking when I opened the door so I bumped into her".