Get out



"Sir, l-I can explain" I started. He stared at with with his usual bored expression.

"Uhm...I told y-your mom b-but she wouldn't let me l-leave. I tried explaining b-but..... I'm sorry. I didn't m-mean to disobey you" I apologized, keeping my gaze on the floor.

"You said you'll leave" He spoke quietly. I didn't know if he was angry or not. His voice was so calm and soothing. I nodded, not knowing what to say.

"But you're still here..." He sighed and ruffled his hair. I opened my mouth to speak but he stopped me with his hand. "It's fine. Follow me".


"I will have to take you myself since you wouldn't leave on your own" He said.

"But...." I tried protesting but he was already walking out. I trailed behind him slowly. I wanted to ask if I could get my clothes atleast but he wasn't paying any attention to me.

The guards merely stared as we walked outside. He got to a Ferrari with tinted glasses and got in. I thought of running back inside for a second but the door slid open before I could make up my mind.

I got in quickly without questioning him. I didn't want to get into more trouble. As he drove, I stared out the window reflecting on how horrible my life has been.

I sighed and rested against the window, admiring the beautiful city lights. I didn't know when I fell asleep.

I felt a soft tap and opened my eyes. Where are we? It was very dark and scary. I could barely see a thing. The rain was making it impossible to get a clear view too.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking at him. He kept staring ahead without sparing me a glance.

"That's your business. Get out" He said coldly and I did. It was incredibly cold and raining heavily. I shivered in the rain, looking around for any clue on where I was.

I could only make out a few houses with dim lights. Something hit me and I looked to see two bundles of money. He threw out three more.

Before I could look at him, he wped off leaving me in the rain. What difference does it make now?. Why didn't I just take his offer instead of having him throw me out himself in the middle of nowhere.

Atleast I would have had a decent house and job but I was trying to please my conscience. What good has that done now?. I'm out here in the rain with nowhere to run to.

I picked the money and continued walking in the rain. There was no shade anywhere. My steps began to falter causse I was freezing. How I hate rain!

I was cold and helpless. With each step I took, I could barely breathe. Something whacked me from behind and I passed out.



I opened my eyes and shut it back due to the brightness. My head hurt badly. Where am I?.

I opened my eyes slowly. I winced a bit as it adjusted to the brightness. I glanced around but all I could see were pillars and iron rods. The place had a horrible stench.

My eyes suddenly swept through the floor and I shrieked. Bones and decaying bodies. I fought the urge to throw up. There were dead bodies of young girls about my age too. They probably died recently. Maybe yesterday or few hours ago. I cringed.

I tried to move but I realized for the first time, I was tied to a pillar. Is this how I'm going to end up? Like the bodies?. Tears freely rolled down my cheeks as I struggled to break free.

I glanced at the bodies once more. From the clothes and everything, I could tell the girls were not only starved but raped and beaten. It only made me cry more.

I kept struggling until I heard footsteps and my heart pounded. Is this really happening to me?. I continued struggling in tears as the footsteps got closer.

I gave up and decided to pretend to be still unconscious.My heart kept beating heavily against my chest as the footsteps approached me. It stopped right infront of me and I tried not to panic.

"She's still unconscious? How many days has it been?" I heard a deep scary voice.

"Two days, boss" I heard a reply. Two days?! I've been unconscious for two days?. God, what could they have done to me during that time?.

"Wake her up. I don't have time to waste" That scary voice said again and my heart beat accelerated. Before I knew what was happening, cold water hit me.

I gasped, jerking awake. My eyes were now wide open and I shivered when I saw four masked men. I could feel myself sweating already as my breathing became heavy.

"She's finally awake boss" One of them said . I didn't even know which was the boss.

"I can see that. Your description doesn't even suit her. Her beauty alone could get us twice of everything we make daily" The shortest said. Oh! He's the owner of that scary voice. Their boss.

What did they mean by my beauty alone?. I was that girl a lot of people didn't bother to spare a second glance. I was mostly ugly so what are they talking about?.

"I think we should demand a random first. I think her boyfriend is very rich. You should have seen the Ferrari he rode. I'm sure he's swimming in money but he threw her out in the rain so I think they probably broke up or they're fighting" Another said.

On a normal day I would have laughed at the crazy assumption. Why does everyone seem to think Canaan is my boyfriend?. Do they need glasses to see the gap between us?. Or maybe it is one horrible joke I'm not getting.

He stretched a phone to me and I gave him a blank look.

"Type in his number. It doesn't matter if you broke up or not. He'll still have some love for you on his heart. After all, why would anyone forget such beauty?" He smirked, stroking me face lightly.

"I-I don't have his number" I replied honestly. Even if I did, there's no way he would come. He wants me out of his life for good.

"I'm not ready for your little games. Type it in now" He barked and I shook.

"I swear I don't have it. Please let me go...." A slap shut me up. I winced in pain as he slapped me again. For a small man, he has quite a big hand.

"Type it now" He growled but I only sobbed. It fueled his anger and he kept hitting me. I was sobbing uncontrollably by the time he stopped. My face was on fire.

"I see you don't want to get out of here. Fine! We'll make good use of you and sell you off without trouble" He bellowed. Before I could process his words, he gave an order.

"Boys, strip her". I went pale.