I'm going blind

"Sir, I can explain..." I blurted immediately. I tried standing but I fell on my butt instead. He said nothing.

Does that mean I'm already fired?. It has to be! That's the only reason he would remain silent.

But if he fires me, how will I get my paycheck?. How will I survive?. Was it not better to start begging for mercy instead of assuming?.

"Please don't fire me... I'm sorry...please.." I pleaded but he groaned instead. Does that mean there's no hope?.

"No..please... don't make up your....."

"Kim, I'm going blind" He cried out suddenly and I froze. Blind?. I wiped the paint off my face to get a proper look at him.

He was crawling away, feeling the floor with his hands. Huh?

"Sir...." I called a bit confused as his hands moved like he was looking for something.

"I can't see. I'm going blind. Mom..." He cried again, wiping his face repeatedly this time.

I got up in panic to get a towel to clean his face but I fell hard on my butt, thanks to my genius plan.

I crawled to the couch to get a pillow. I prayed it would just be the paint. That I didn't really blind the Moore heir.

I crawled back to him and tried to get his hands off his face.

"I can't see. Let go of me...I can't..." I peeked his hands away successfully and used the tip of the pillow to gently wipe his eyes.

His tears kept falling as I cleaned off the paint. I can't believe he's crying because paint covered his face.

"Open your eyes, sir" I urged and he slowly opened his eyes.

I was instantly trapped in those misty voilet orbs. He blinked rapidly and averted his eyes to look around.

I snapped out of my little trance. I waited for him to yell but he didn't. His eyes suddenly landed on his suit. Uh-oh!

"Kim, what really happened here?" He asked quietly. I swallowed hard.

Maybe this is time to cry and beg until he decides not to fire me.

I quickly knelt down and clasped my hands together, squeezing my eyes shut.

"I'm so sorry, Sir. I swear it was the devil that pushed me to try revenge. I wanted to get back at you for increasing my punishment instead of saving me. Please don't fire me, Sir. Punish me but don't fire me please. I've learnt my lesson I promise" I pleaded in tears.

"I will certainly punish you but for now, clean up this mess and prepare seven hundred thousand won" He said.

My eyes flew open. "What?!!".

"You just ruined my suit or should I fire you?".

"No, Sir. I'll buy you another one. The exact design I promise" I said quickly.

He crawled out of the room and I followed. What have I gotten myself into?. Even if I work from now till I grow old, I won't be able to make half of it.

I crawled outside and went to the storeroom to get the cleaning supplies.

Revenge gone seriously wrong! I've definitely learnt my lesson. I cleaned up the place and went to meet Mrs Rose.

She was getting ready for bed by the time I walked in.

"Uhm...I wanted to ask a quick question. As the assistant cook, how much is m salary?" I asked. She was surprised, probably because I never bothered to ask.

"A hundred and fifty thousand won. Any problem?" She asked and I shook my head, celebrating inwardly.

I could pay him back in five months and still have some extra.

I went to my room and showered. Just as I was about to go to bed, the door opened. He entered with a white bag and tossed it to me.

"That's the suit. I need a new one by tomorrow evening" He said and walked out before I could even talk.

Tomorrow evening? Ahhh! My life is ruined!. How do I get a new suit by tomorrow with no money?.

An idea suddenly dropped. Don't worry, it is a very good one andiwas sure it would work.

I took the suit and tiptoed to the laundry room. I got a bucket of water and emptied a pack of detergent into it.

I soaked in the suit and wen back to bed.



I yawned and sat up. Thank goodness it's Saturday. I went to the bathroom and took my time to bath.

I wore my usual baggies and headed to the laundry room. I hand washed the suit a little before squeezing it and pouring off the water.

I tossed it into the washing machine and added another pack of detergent so it'll be extra clean.

I went to my room and combed through my closet for the first time. I went through all the clothes Nancy bought the other day..

It was easy to find them because they were still in the transparent bag. I searched for a beg that would fit in Canaan's suit since he's taller than me.

I couldn't find any so I decided to ask Shugar.

"Why do you need the bag?" She asked after I searched her closet and found the perfect size. She complained the gown was longer so it will definitely fit Canaan's suit.

"I just need o package something. See you at breakfast" I said rushing out. Problem solved! All that's left is the suit.

Oh my God! The suit!!! I ran to the laundry room only to see it flooded with foam.

I had to go through another round of cleaning. I went down for breakfast to avoid suspicion.



It fitted perfectly into the bag. I even had to use the iron to remove some creases. It was as good as new.

Anyone who saw this would instantly believe it was new. I smiled to myself. It's better than buying a new one.

He gets all his shots from Premiers. I made sure to find out from Shugar so my lie would blend.

I played games on my phone while waiting for him to return.

He came back around 6pm so I waited for him to rest before going to see him an hour later.

I knocked and the door opened instantly. He wasn't downstairs. I heard the hair dryer from upstairs so I went up.

He was wearing an oversized sweater, drying his hair.

"Sir, I brought your suit. It's on the bed" I said dropping it. I happily turned to go when he called me.

"Drop the price tag and receipt here, Kim" He said tapping the vanity.

I swallowed. I didn't think of that.

"I...uhm... forgot to get the receipt so I don't have one" I said and he picked his phone after dropping the dryer.

He called someone.

"....Yes..are you closed?..."

".... No... don't close yet....

"...Yeah... I'm coming with someone..."

".... okay....." He dropped the phone and stood up.

He was wearing black baggy shorts too. He looked so cute. He stepped into his white bedroom slippers and pocketed two of his phones. He wore his wristwatch and picked his keys.

"Let's go" He said, walking ahead. What's happening?

"Where are we going sir?" I asked.

"To get your receipt" He replied.
