Dimension of unknown type

After the wild dogs were all killed, he sucked up the silver balls that had appeared using his bracelet again, and this time he actually got one silver ball per dog killed, so there were 12 in total.

Once all the balls were sucked up the central system gave him a summary again of what he had won.

[Congratulations, you have won 420 silver coins, 24 experience points, 8 fangs and 3 wild dog bodies]

Before continuing he asked the central system where this money and the bodies and items he was collecting were going, and as always he got an immediate answer.

[A bank account was opened when you purchased your Guardian license level 1 and it is accessible directly from your main menu under the Guardian tab.

In this tab you will find 5 things, your money, your experience points, an inventory of your items, the Guardians' market and the dungeons map.

By using the Guardians' market, you can directly sell your items or exchange them for something else, the same goes for your experience points]

Interesting thought Mika, he asked again curious if he could pay directly with his bracelet or if he had to withdraw his money somewhere. Since he had no bank account before, Mikail had always paid everything in cash.

The system gave him the answer he had hoped for, which was that all he had to do was to scan the red button on his bracelet to buy what he wanted, the money would be taken out directly from his bank account, so he didn't need to have cash anymore.

Satisfied with the answers he had obtained, Mika decided to keep moving forward, his body for the moment was holding up pretty well, much better than what he had expected.

He had thought at first that he would have to take breaks, because his body after all was still in convalescence, and he had been greatly weakened by this fever, but in the end he felt absolutely no discomfort, he even felt in great shape.

After the forest, he found himself on a green plain and in front of him he could see a black hole that looked like the one he had jumped into to enter this dungeon, so this one should be used to get out of it.

Only, this black hole was guarded by a Barbarian, or rather a Viking, at least that's what it made him think of.

He had an axe in one hand and a machete in the other, his face was masked by his helmet, but again he had to remember that he was in a dungeon, and that this thing in front of him had to be the boss of this dungeon, and therefore, to be able to get out of here, he was going to have to kill him.

He got rid of his stake, in this case, it would be of no use to him, it was better to disarm this Viking and take his own weapons to use them against him.

Mika, who after having fought rabbits and wild dogs had a better knowledge of the aptitudes of his new body, didn't hesitate and approached his opponent with a determined step.

He hoped that he would attack him first, because it would be easier to disarm him then and fortunately, as he continued to advance towards him, the Viking suddenly started to run and his intention to kill him was clear.

Mika accelerated and started to run too, he dodged the machete blow and managed with his reflexes and exceptional knowledge of hand-to-hand combat to grab the handle of the axe and give him a violent kick in his sternum.

The Viking was pushed back from the impact of his kick, and Mika took the opportunity to grab his axe, and before the Viking could even stabilize himself and catch his breath, he slammed the axe right into the middle of the Viking's head with all the force he could muster, and the Viking disappeared immediately.

To his surprise, the Viking not only left a silver ball behind him, but he also left behind his axe and his machete.

'Pretty cool', Mika thought. He preferred daggers but an axe and machete was certainly better than a wooden stake.

He picked them up and put them in his magic bag, then he picked up the silver ball and after it was sucked into his bracelet the message of what he had won appeared.

[Congratulations, you have just killed the boss of the dungeon, you have won 5 gold coins, 50 experience points and a magic crystal of grade 1]

Mika couldn't believe it, this reward was huge, and while he was still wondering what a gold coin was worth, another message appeared.

[Congratulations, you just looted this dungeon alone, extra reward, 1 gold coin and 10 experience points.

For your information, 1 gold coin = 1,000 silver coins]

Mika was speechless, 1 gold coin was worth 1,000 silver coins and he had just earned 6 in one go... He was sure Mikail had never been so rich in his life.

With a satisfied smile on his face, Mika walked towards the black hole which this time was in front of him and he jumped into without any hesitation, and unlike earlier, he immediately found himself in the forest, at the exact same place where he had entered the dungeon.

When he turned around, he saw that the black hole was disappearing and as he was about to go back to his hospital room, as one dungeon was more than enough for tonight, a silver vortex appeared only a few meters in front of him and he curiously asked the system what it was.

And as he read the system's response his heart began to race.

[Dimension of unknown type, please proceed with caution, very powerful creatures may be in there, probable danger of death]

A dimension of unknown type ... Mika was almost shaking with excitement, this might be the only chance he would have to become the owner of a dimension.

But before rushing headlong like an idiot into it, especially since the system had taken the time to warn him that he could lose his life in there, he asked instead how the dimensions were categorized, and the answer he got left him puzzled.

[The dimensions are categorized according by their level of spiritual energy .

Dimensions of type D and C are the most common, and are accessible to all Guardians with a level 2 license.

Dimensions of type B and A are much rarer and are only accessible to Guardians who have a level 3 license.

And finally the dimensions of type S are only accessible to Guardians who have a level 4 license]