The print part 2

Mika was a little tense, between Alanis's wandering hand that had moved freely over his abs and was now on his chest, and his nose that he had started to rub with his, when he heard him say that he had to give him his agreement to create this print he felt a little lost.

Hadn't he already given him his consent, and before he could even ask Alanis exactly what he wanted him to do, the latter then said, "Just put your hand on mine, that will do."

Mika then looked at him and he was mesmerized once again by his beauty, he placed his hand on the one he had placed on his heart and he said to him, "I'm ready, let's do it."

Right after he said that, he saw Alanis' eyes change, he now had the eyes of a predator that was ready to pounce on his prey, and he was his prey.

Mika didn't know if it was part of his print stuff but he was almost looking forward to the pain that Alanis had promised him impatiently, at least his imagination would stop tempting him even more than he already was by this man.

Alanis immediately felt the change after Mika said these words, and he felt that the blockage was finally lifted and that he could finally put his permanent print on Mika.

So he didn't waste any time and when he saw Mika's expression, which had remained impassive until then despite his frantic heartbeat, change drastically, he bit his lip because he couldn't do anything to ease his pain.

He saw the stupor in his eyes and probably by pure reflex, he tried to break the wrist of his hand from where the pain he was feeling was coming.

Fortunately, Alanis was prepared for something like that and he managed to keep his hand on his heart until the print was done. Mika really impressed him, for someone who was only 18 years old, he already had good reflexes, and if it had been a normal person in front of him, he would have broken his wrist easily with this move.

But Alanis was a phoenix and not just any phoenix, he was born with the gift of being able to use the sacred fire, and already at birth he could have competed with a level 6 Guardian, so Mika's efforts to free himself from his hold were completely futile.

Mika was really surprised by the intense pain and he tried to free himself from his grip, but of course Alanis didn't even bat an eye.

It was as if he was burning alive, this extreme burning sensation was spreading at an alarming speed in all parts of his body, and he would have fallen to his knees as the pain was unbearable if Alanis hadn't stopped him from falling by supporting him.

He told him that the process was over and that he still had to endure this pain for a little while, and Mika then put his forehead on his shoulder in search of support and Alanis let him do it as he pleased.

After another 2 minutes that seemed like an eternity to him, the pain diminished in intensity until it finally disappeared.

And then, suddenly, he felt the urge to hit Alanis, but he remembered in time that it was him who had hurt his hand when he had tried to break his wrist.

He had felt like he was trying to bend a metal that was too hard for him, and if Alanis' face was as strong as his hands, he would probably break his own hand trying to hit him, so very little for him.

Mika finally moved away from him and he sat down on the floor, putting his head inside his knees to be able to think better.

He didn't see the point of staying at school for a month anymore, but he would still have to wait a few days for his school dropout to be taken into account.

After that, the adventure would begin, he could probably reach level 1 in 2 days and he wondered what would be the conditions to be able to level up to level 2.

And while he was still wondering what would happened in the next days, he suddenly heard Alanis' deep and magnetic voice close to him which startled him because he didn't hear him approach, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Mika looked at him puzzled but then he realized that Alanis was not one of his team members but a stranger, so how could he know that he used this position to organize his thoughts.

He explained to him quickly to avoid future misunderstandings, "I'm fine, and you shouldn't worry when you see me in this position, I always do this when I need to organize my thoughts.

In this position, I don't get distracted by what's around me, and I can focus better."

Alanis sat down in front of him reassured and he asked him curious, "What were you thinking about?"

Mika answered him honestly and he told him what happened, at least what happened to Mikail, he told him that he had just escaped death and that he had decided to become a Guardian because he wanted to have exciting adventures.

He also told him that he was still in high school and that he would need at least 2 or 3 days to get his affairs in order before he could raid dungeons full time to progress as quickly as possible.

When he told him that they would probably have to move to a different area to find intermediate level dungeons, Alanis told him that it wasn't a problem and that the dimension could teleport them anywhere.

Alanis then asked him for his bracelet, and he asked him to explain what he could do with it. When he realized that his bracelet was connected to a central system that was deployed all over their world, he decided to try to connect his dimension with this bracelet.

If his dimension could connect to this central system then everything would be much easier, so he focused and the core of his dimension appeared in his hand, it looked like a huge diamond the size of a tennis ball and it shone brightly.