Something still bothered him

Alanis put a hand on his waist in a possessive way and while caressing him tenderly, he asked him seriously, "Do you feel better? You were very pale last night when I found you asleep in the jacuzzi."

Mika gently pushed Alanis's hand away before he stimulated him too much, because it would become a little awkward especially if he woke up a certain part of his body, and seeing Alanis frown obviously not very happy about being rejected so early in the morning he leaned over and gave him a kiss on his lips before standing up and saying, "There's only one way to find out."

Mika stood up and stretched like a cat, he turned his back to Alanis, but the latter did not complain, after this light kiss a glimmer of lust shone in his eyes and admiring Mika from behind was just as exciting, he could see the muscles of his back moving as he stretched and he found it very sensual.

He had only one desire and that was to grab his waist again, bring him back to bed and be able to press his body against his and caress his cute and well-muscled ass so temptingly hidden only by this jogging pants that he had put on him last night after carefully drying him.

At that moment, he had all the leisure to admire Mika in all the splendor of his nudity and if that made him a pervert he didn't care because this man would definitely be soon his.

Mika made a few quick movements completely unaware of the fact that Alanis was looking at him in a way that would have made him blushed, and then he finally said to him while turning around, "I feel good and I don't feel dizzy... I'm going to take my shower and get ready, can you order us some breakfast?"

Alanis who didn't want to scare his little Guardian, now had a totally neutral expression on his face when he answered him, "Sure, I'll take care of it, go get ready quietly."

When Mika finally disappeared into the bathroom and when Alanis heard the shower water running, he had to use all his willpower not to go and join him.

He remembered that he had to be patient, after all Mika was still very young and probably inexperienced, and he didn't doubt that he would eventually let himself be seduced.

Then in the meantime he had no choice but to restrain himself, he got up at once and he left the room to go to order them a quite consistent breakfast.

He ordered again a little of everything as he ignored what would please Mika and anyway he was also very hungry in spite of all that he had eaten yesterday evening, his body would probably need several days to get used to his new condition.

Mika didn't know it but even without those three magic pills he needed to finish restoring his mystical core and make it evolve into a celestial core, he was already much stronger than a level 12 Guardian, and he was also already twice as strong as before thanks to all the spiritual energy he had absorbed and stored in his body.

And thanks to the visions of Mika's past lives he understood why the dimension had chosen him, even though he didn't know how it was possible that the warrior spirits of his clan could have found a Wandering Soul here, Mika was probably the human with the greatest potential, and as he was still very young he could help him to become a very good warrior, the one he needed to help him kill this bastard.

But something still bothered him, why was Mika so confident in his own abilities? For a person of his age, it was surprising. But maybe he had already undergone some training and that was why he was so sure of his fighting skills, let's see! In any case this man fascinated him, and his heartbeat racing every time he looked at him was driving him really crazy.

He really hoped he wouldn't hear his heartbeat racing like that for someone else or he wasn't sure how he would react.

Alanis was still lost in thought when Mika came into the living room and Mika noticed right away that he had remained shirtless and had just tied back his long black hair with flaming red highlights.

He joined him and he asked him wondering what he is thinking of, "Is something bothering you?"

Alanis then looked at him and he watched him approach, he had a towel over his shoulders which he was using to wipe his hair and he found him devilishly sexy like that, he felt like getting up to go and dry his hair himself but again he restrained himself remembering that he had to take it easy with Mika.

He was wearing his school uniform which made him look good, and then he said to him with a smile, "It's nothing important... Breakfast should be here soon, and then I'll drop you off at your high school directly with the dimension."

Mika nodded and came to sit next to him, this dimension was really very convenient, no need to waste time unnecessarily in any transport... And suddenly he remembered that this dimension must be special or simply very powerful because the central system hadn't managed to classify it in a category.

He wanted to ask him about it but then Alanis asked him, "Do you prefer I take you back to your dorm room or directly in front of the portal?"

Mika then said to him with a smile, "In front of the portal, that will be fine, when I go to fill out the dropout form I will give them back the keys to my dorm room too, anyway I don't need it anymore and we already emptied it last night, it will be one less thing to deal with."

Alanis then asked him, "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Mika smiled at him and replied, "Unfortunately no, these are things I have to do on my own, but don't worry about me and take the opportunity to do whatever you want, my classes end at 3.30 pm and we'll meet up then."