He had tried his luck (NSFW)

Mika wondered if these experience points stopped there or if they would continue to accumulate for the next levels and as always the central system was very responsive and the holographic screen immediately changed to answer his question.

[Current experience points: 2,448

You can sell your experience points in the Guardians' market, 100 experience points = 1 gold coins]

And then Mika made the ranking board reappear and he went up a little bit above his name and he said to Alanis when he finally got what he wanted, "Look, to reach level 2 I will have to loot 20 dungeons, earn 10,000 experience points, use 10 level 1 magic pills... What are the magic pills for exactly?"

Alanis then explained to him, "They can be used for many things, they can increase your speed, or your strength, they can help you heal small wounds, and the higher you level up, the more of them there will be.