Sheer determination

A grade 2 magic crystal was worth 2,000 gold coins and thanks to Alanis they had won 2 of them yesterday, not counting the 4 grade 1 magic crystals which made him earn the sum of 800 gold coins, as for the items, it made him earn 55 gold coins.

Then he asked for the details of the weapons he had won yesterday. The dagger he had obtained by looting the dungeon with the bees was a dagger that could pierce all the armor of the creatures of the low level dungeons and the blade of this dagger had also a paralyzing effect.

As for the short sword that he had gained by fighting the snakes, it could also pierce all the armor of the creatures of the low level dungeons and its special effect was that its blade allowed him to poison his enemies.

Mika smirked and he said to Alanis, "Too bad these weapons are completely useless to me... Well, where do we start?"