Red Ants

Alanis took his hand and they both jumped into the black hole, and once the light ceased to dazzle them, Alanis immediately said to him, "This is a colony of red ants, Mika be careful they are carnivorous and there are many of them."

Mika nodded and he created two red orbs that he made spin around him, they were smaller than the ones he had already made in the dimension as he also preferred to send some of Alanis' energy into his short sword whose blade immediately turned reddish.

There were about 50 red ants coming at them and each time that Mika used his red orbs to blow up ants, he made another ones appear immediately afterwards by continuously drawing on Alanis' energy reserve.

His orbs were very effective and each time he used one, it killed an average of 3 ants.