Not an ordinary sword

But then Alanis said to him, "If I hadn't been there, your survival instinct would have done the job for me, Mika I'm sure you would have faced your fear and slaughtered them, after all, how could such hideous creatures have killed my fierce Guardian."

Mika preferred not to think about these 'hideous creatures' anymore and he asked Alanis to change the subject, "I guess your short sword is of a higher grade isn't it?"

Alanis smirked and he told him, "Of course they are, I created these short swords just before I damaged my mystical core so that they could help me while I regained my powers... or rather until I evolved into a Celestial Phoenix."

Mika then asked him, "That's why they adapt to the levels of their wearer, it was to protect you while you were still weak and still be useful to you once you have evolved."