3 red dots

And as he wondered how it was possible that they were all here, the central system immediately answered him by writing on one of the screens.

[These Guardians were all in special mission of rank S, the top 15 were sent here to eradicate the threat of a crack in space-time.

But as the crack in space-time has already disappeared, the mission has just been cancelled, they will be teleported again to Continent B in 15 seconds, 14, 13, 12.....3, 2, 1]

And then Mika saw all these Guardians disappearing as the central system had just announced to him and he just asked it by curiosity if they had tried to check the surveillance cameras but the central system answered him negatively.

And now that he was finally relieved and that he had covered their back, he leaned over to Alanis and he said close to his ear, "My love, rest well, I deleted the record of the videos so don't worry, everything is fine, nobody will be able to identify us."