How did you do that?

Alanis had watched with concern as he taped his hand to his sword pommel and before he could even ask him what exactly he had in mind, he saw Mika run into the vortex of a tornado and get sucked into it.

He really had to use all his willpower not to run after him and destroy all those elemental creatures, and as he clenched his fists in frustration, he was overwhelmed by the adrenaline and exhilaration Mika was feeling.

He immediately relaxed, remembering that with the shield he had put around Mika, he wasn't really in danger, but still, what had possessed him to run headlong into that tornado?

When Mika was sucked into the whirlwind he felt the same kind of adrenaline he felt when he was skydiving and since the ground was barren and he didn't have to watch out for debris, he was able to take full advantage of this feeling of euphoria, freedom and speed.