How does the Emperor of the Dragons counter it ?

"That's not all though", added then Alanis, "If this energy is condensed into a ball it can be used as an acid and it has a very strong corrosive power and finally apart from the light that comes from a light crystal, this energy is able to absorb all the lights and to plunge a whole area into darkness.

Those who find themselves trapped in this area of darkness, if they have a weak mind, are assailed by their greatest fear and they become easy prey for their enemies."

Mika's eyes widened and he said to him, "This element is terrifying."

Alanis nodded and he said, "Unfortunately for us, there are mages among the Dragons who have mastered this element and take my word for it, it wreaks immense havoc on the battlefield."

Mika was willing to believe him and so he decided to look into the Guardians' market to see if he could buy elemental crystals and see if there were any they didn't have.