His ingenious plan

The Emperor of the Dragons then said, "Captain Navy, your top priority is to find me this magic herb that I'm missing. The other 5 magic herbs you have already sent me will be of no use to me without this one, is that understood ?"

Navy bowed his head again and he said, "Yes, my Emperor !"

"And get rid of this Guardian."

The communication then cut off, and Navy could finally breathe normally.

He wiped his forehead with the back of his sleeve and couldn't help but think that the Emperor was getting more and more terrifying, even through this holographic screen he could feel the pressure of his aura.

Navy had been on Gadreel for centuries searching for the magic herbs that had become unobtainable on Nihava and he was almost done.

He was in contact with all the most powerful mages among the Guardians and he knew that if one of them found the herb he needed, he would exchange it without hesitation for the reward he was about to promise them.