First intermediate level dungeon

The design was modern, elegant and futuristic, it looked like a huge tower reaching up to the sky, and it also meant that they would surely find in this city all the activities they had found in the one they had just reluctantly left, and that they would probably find other activities there that they had not yet had time to try.

Mika was finally happy with their choice and once at the hotel reception, luck was with them and one of the two penthouse apartments was still available.

They booked it for the next 15 days as they had decided to stay here until Mika was teleported to the continent B, and when they discovered their penthouse apartment they were delighted as it was as luxurious as the one they had just left and the terrace was also similar and was on 2 different levels.

The smaller one had only an outdoor lounge and an impressive sea view, and the bigger one was at the top of this gigantic building and had a panoramic view of the sea and the city.