Active meditation

[Guardian, Shadow Leader, level 3.

To reach level 4, you must loot a minimum of 30 dungeons, only intermediate level 2 and 3 star dungeons will be taken into account, and you must loot minimum 10 intermediate level 3 star dungeons to validate this requirement.

You must enter a dimension of D-Type and brought any item of grade 3 or seize the core of this dimension.

You must also use a minimum of 20 level 3 magic pills and get a grade 3 weapons.

Once you have met these requirements it will cost you 20,000 gold coins and 60,000 experience points to level up.

To be able to loot the intermediate level 2 and 3 star dungeons and enter a D-Type dimension you have to buy a level 2 Guardian license, buy it now, Yes/No]

Mika immediately pressed Yes and a new message immediately appeared.

[Level 2 Guardian license, allows you to loot intermediate and dangerous level 1 and 2 star dungeons, as well as to enter to D and C-Type dimensions.