A runic symbol (NSFW)

He crushed his lips against his and his tongue entered immediately to conquer territory in his mouth, and he made sure to taste every corner of it while playing in a very sensual way with Mika's tongue.

Alanis didn't forget to masturbate him and when he felt that he was about to cum he made Mika cum at the same time as him and after his second intense orgasm in less than 15 minutes, Alanis had to support Mika because his legs flinched a little.

Alanis then asked him after they had both caught their breath, "Mika, my beloved Guardian, do you still want more or do you prefer to get out now and do it again later."

Mika's smile widened and he said to him, "I want more... But not in the bathroom, not even in our suite, let's have sex somewhere else for once."