Subspace connection activated

After having a good hour of fun together in their brand new water park that Hope loved really much, Alanis, while Mika continued to play with their son, brought up the home screen in front of him again.

He immediately realized that this dimension had become their main dimension and that Mika's dimension was still their auxiliary dimension.

He smiled as he thought that Hope would surely love their auxiliary dimension too, and he was looking forward to enjoying this little paradise with his husband and son... Their son, he still had trouble comprehending that they had created a son together, and formed a family in their first life.

Luck was really on their side, because now they were all together again… Or maybe it wasn't luck but Mika.

Maybe he had subconsciously recognized this place when they had looked at the flyers together, because he was the one who had suggested to do this activity in the first place.