Opening the Mana Circuit [2]

Inside the Rune Room, a circular chamber made of smooth, gray stone beckons. The walls are inscribed with dozens of intricate, glowing runes in a kaleidoscope of colors, creating a dizzying array of shapes and symbols that appear to dance in the flickering torchlight. The very air is filled with a hum of magical energy that seems to radiate from the walls themselves.

In the center of the chamber stood a small raised platform, adorned with glowing runes that seemed to pulsate with power. Surrounding the platform was a circle of intricate runes etched into the floor, all converging towards the heart of the chamber.

Adrian took a deep breath and strode towards the raised platform, removing his top clothes as he went. With each step, he could feel the hum of energy growing more intense, and the glowing runes beneath his feet pulsed with power. As he ascended the steps, he steadied himself, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Following Fiona's instructions, Adrian took a seat on the platform, crossed his legs and closed his eyes in a meditative pose. He began to focus on his breathing, trying to block out the distractions around him and tune in to the magical energy of the room.

"Now, I'll infuse some of my mana into you to help open your mana circuit. Try to visualize the process and endure it," Fiona instructed as she took a seat behind Adrian, placing her hands on his back. With a deep breath, she channeled her mana into him, focusing her energy on his mana circuit. Adrian braced himself, feeling the flow of energy course through him as he visualized the circuit opening.

As Fiona infused her mana into Adrian, the runes on the walls of the chamber grew brighter and more intense. The energy in the room surged, and Adrian felt his own mana circuit opening wider and wider. The pain was almost unbearable, but he pushed through it, knowing that he was unlocking a power that few had ever experienced. The glowing runes seemed to pulse in time with his own heartbeat, and he knew that he was on the cusp of a breakthrough.

Meanwhile, Mohan and Rowan watched from the edge of the room, their eyes fixed on Adrian as he attempted to awaken his mana circuits. They observed how he remained still and centered, seemingly undisturbed by the pulsing runes beneath him. With bated breath, they waited to see if he would succeed in harnessing the power of the chamber.

With Fiona's hands on his back, Adrian felt a rush of energy coursing through his veins. Though the sensation was intense and a little painful, he gritted his teeth and focused on visualizing the process. He knew he couldn't afford to explode in the midst of the ritual. Fiona's mana flowed steadily into him, and he felt his own mana circuit beginning to open.

As time passed, Adrian's entire body convulsed with the strain of the ritual. His veins bulged and his muscles tensed, causing him to let out an agonized scream. Mohan and Rowan looked on in panic, unsure of what to do to help their friend or their subordinate.

"AAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Adrian's agonized scream echoed throughout the chamber.

Mohan's heart clenched at the sound, and he was about to intervene in the ritual, but Rowan held him back.

"You have to trust him, Captain!" Rowan exclaimed, urging Mohan not to interfere. Though his instincts screamed at him to stop the ritual, Mohan knew that he had to trust Adrian and Fiona. With a deep breath, he nodded and watched as the ritual continued.

As the ritual continued, Adrian's mind raced, and he thought of all the people he had left behind in his previous world. Blood gushed from the puncture wounds all over Adrian's body, and some of his muscles and skin became badly bruised. The pain of the ritual was almost too much to bear, but he gritted his teeth more and endured, determined to see it through.

'I have to see this through to the end,' Adrian thought through gritted teeth. 'I'll do anything in my power to come back to where I came from!'

Despite the pain and the fear of the unknown, he remained determined and resolute. He visualized his loved ones waiting for him on the other side, and he knew that he had to succeed. With a deep breath, he pushed through the pain, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

With each passing moment, he visualized the mana circuit opening wider and wider, and he felt a surge of pride and accomplishment knowing that he was one step closer to unlocking his full potential.

As the surging pain faded away, Adrian knew that the opening of his mana circuit had been successful. For the first time, he could feel the mana in the atmosphere all around him, and it was exhilarating. He felt a newfound power coursing through his veins, and he knew that he had unlocked a potential that few could ever dream of.

But there was something else, too. As he stood on the raised platform, he could feel a strange sensation in his abdomen, as though something new had been formed within him. It was a fuzzy feeling, difficult to describe, but he knew that it was a sign of something significant.

As Adrian stood up, Mohan and Rowan approached him, along with Fiona. They looked at him with a mixture of awe and respect, as though seeing him in a new light.

"Congratulations on breaking through, young lad," Mohan said, his voice filled with pride. "You are one step away from becoming a fully-fledged soldier of the empire."

"I feel like you're going to be the greatest warrior of this era!" Rowan said, his eyes shining with excitement. "You've got a rare gift, my friend, and I can't wait to see what you'll do with it."

"You're exaggerating, sir," Adrian said, looking down at the floor. "I appreciate your kind words, but I don't feel particularly special. I just did what I had to do to achieve my goals."

"You're underestimating yourself, Adrian," Rowan said, clapping him on the back. "You just accomplished something that most people can only dream of. You should be proud of yourself."

Adrian shook his head, still feeling a little overwhelmed by the experience. "I'm just glad it's over," he said with a weak smile.

But Fiona's facial expression caught his attention, and he turned to her with a curious expression. "What's with that look?" he asked.

Fiona looked at him with a look of surprise on her face. "Your mana core is in your abdomen," she said, her voice filled with wonder. "That's a rare occurrence. Most people have their mana core located in their chest or head. This is incredible!"

After Adrian heard what Fiona had been spouting to, he didn't know what to do. Should he be happy? Or should he be frightened? Because having a unique form of power might really have a treat to him. Nonetheless, he was determined to use it to achieve his goals, whatever they might be. With that thought, he took a deep breath and prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, feeling a mix of emotions.