Chapter 1

Background information: We live in a world where supernatural creatures exist. I am a white werewolf only one left of my kind, no one else is a white wolf. I know your thinking what Do I mean by only one left, well I used to have a twin sister belle but she was murdered by her mate. Every wolf will have a mate on way or another. And she had one, Mates are supposed to protect each other, love each other not murder. But her mate killed her. And I have to live with the guilt and pain every day because twins are extremely rare now days and especially twin white wolves. So when one dies the other feels that very pain every single day because of their twins death. So now I will never ever have a mate because I refuse to allow that to happen to me to. And I will live out the rest of my life trying to find ace, her mate. And when I do he will die. He will suffer just as my sister had to. But his pain will last a life time and I will make sure of it. But as for me I'm not only a white wolf but I'm a white wolf alpha. I have a pack but I don't really see them much only in rare occasions.

Present Day:

January 18, 2025.

Today is my birthday although I don't celebrate ever since my sister died. I still care about it because when she was alive we loved to celebrate. So to me this is a normal day. I decided to let my wolf loose. She had been bugging me all day the good thing about white wolves is you can change whenever you want unlike normal wolves they can only change during full moons or if they choose to they can change but it comes with extreme pain while shifting where as white wolves don't have much pain. I'm also an alpha I have my own pack but I'm not with them often because I'm a more of to my self kinda girl. I go out but only for a bit or if I do it's only to see my best friend Emma. Oh and your probably wondering my name and it's Lexi. I ran for hours. The woods were so beautiful today there was a cool fresh breeze, I loved hearing the sound of the leaves crunching as I ran. But after a long hour of running I stopped. I didn't actually realize how far I had run. I was all the way out by the lake. I live in a small town called mystic falls in Virginia. And when I'm in wolf form I just run and don't stop until I either have to or just want to look at the scenery today it's the scenery. The lake looks so beautiful. The sun shined down on the lake causing a reflection. It looked amazing. One thing I love is nature I know it's probably weird for a girl who's to herself. But I love it. I come outside a lot to write. I write in my diary. To keep all my thoughts and memories in order from how they happen, when they happen,stuff like that. I have wrote my thoughts ever since my sister died. I have my mom and dad still but I live on my own because I like feeling free and on my own I get to feel that. So for now I will just enjoy the air, sun, water and sky. And just relax. Because you know as an alpha you don't get much free time because you gotta train your wolves, help them learn to shift, stuff like that. So whenever I get yo be free I use that time wisely. My sister would always say, Even though we are immortal things like this only happen on occasions. And while we get to live forever, some things don't. Like beautiful sunsets, sunrises, lake views and you know the beauty's of life they don't last forever so you should enjoy them while you can. So that's what I did for my birthday. I sat there watching the sky and lake. Then changed back into normal form and went home. When I got home I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass out of my cupboard. And grabbed some wine out of the fridge and began to pour. I then went to sit on the couch when I got a call from my dad…