Chapter 3

I had gone back to where my parents were. I could see something was off. I sensed it. Something was coming. But I didn't know what. So I asked "Mom what's going on?" But she just stared at me as if she were frozen. I thought what in earth is going on. Then out of no where my mom said "Oh hey sweetie this is Ace, Aidens brother." My heart was POUNDING as if it were going to explode. My parents never met my sisters mate but I did. And this-this was him.. His-his brother was going to be my mate?!

I gulped. Then my dad said "Sweet heart don't be rude say hello after all you are his brothers mate" I gulped again, stared over at Aiden. I could feel the anger in the air. I could feel the pain all at once as if I was reliving that day. The day of when I got the call that was sister was attacked all my parents had known was she was attacked I couldn't bare to tell them who killed her… I hadn't realized but I had my fists clenched, eyes glaring at ace, and heart pounding. I knew this was it. This was the bastard who took my sister life my TWIN sister!!

I then said "Hello Ace…" my voice was shaking. I hadn't know but when I started to speak my voice cracked I could feel my eyes watering and then Aiden came over. He put his hand in my shoulder and whispered in my ear "Hey are you okay? What's wrong why are you looking so angered?" He said whispering but in a calm soothing voice. I immediately took his hand off me. And ran out. I-I couldn't take it. Not only was ACE there but AIDEN was his BROTHER.. The murderer of my sister was standing right before my very eyes. And just smirked. As I ran out I could feel pain in my chest. I had always felt pain after Belles death you just do when a twin dies but when Ace came near me that pain grew stronger and stronger. I transformed into my wolf form. And i ran, ran and ran. I ran so fast my heart was pounding I felt the cool breeze on my wolves face it felt good. I kept running. Until there I was again at the edge of the cliff. I lay there as the moon shined down on my white fur. I began to cry, but for a wolf it was whimpering. I didn't know what I was going to do. I mean could I kill my mates brother?! Could I even kill anyone?! As much as I had always told my self when I had ever met him he would suffer. Could I really do it? Could I actually make someone suffer? I had never questioned my self as I much as I did right now. Then I again heard him. But this time I didn't feel like shifting. I just whimpered. But to my surprise he wasn't in his normal form he was in wolf form. And when I say he was a very beautiful wolf he was. He was a black wolf, with bright green eyes. He came up by me and laid down. As much as I wanted to run I didn't. I couldn't. I knew he could tell I was crying but didn't do anything. So I transformed back and he did as well. We stood there under the moon light staring at one another. He now knew I was a white wolf, he knew I was crying. But will he even bother asking. To my surprise he did. He did ask "Lexi? What's the matter? Why are you crying?" " I can't say.. I just can't.." I said choking on my words. "Why? Why can't you say?" He asked "Your-" I stopped. He can't know I thought he'd kill his brother and I needed to do that. So I stopped speaking turned around and looked out into the distance. "My what? Lexi." He asked calmly. "Aiden, as much as I want to tell you believe me I do I just can't. And I can't have you here, not near me, I need you to go. Don't ever come back for me okay. I just- I can't have a mate." I choked on words in between breaths. "Lexi if there's something I need to know just tell me." "WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND I CANT SAY!!!!!!!! Because if I do you'll go around and kill the very person! AND I NEED TO DO THAT! Me not you!!" I shouted. Then came the tears. " Im sorry for shouting, there's just something that needs to be done but you can't know. And for what I'm about to do I'm sorry." I sighed, wiped my face and look him in the eye "Goodbye Aiden" and walked away. But as I walked I could hear him whisper "Goodbye Lexi. And I will help you through whatever it is your about to do I am your mate, and you may not know it yet but I will be your friend, I am here for you." I smirked as he said that and left. He couldn't know what I was going to do for it was his brother I would kill.. I kept on walking but I looked back for a split second to see he was already gone. I sigh but continue walking. Then I reached our car when I felt Ace's presences he was here near me. I growled softly, my eyes shifted from my eye color to my wolves eye color which is very bright purple. I am the only white wolf to ever have purple eyes my sister had blue. I knew he was near. I quickly turned around to find him right there behind me arms crossed, eyes narrowed, eye brows frowned. "Hello Lexi" he said sarcastically. "Ace." I said and nodded my head. I hadn't known but Aiden was near he was in the woods watching and listening to our every move. But at the time of this event I didn't know. "You look just like that weak twin sister if yours" He said and laughed. I clenched my fists. I was mad. "HOW DARE YOU!!!" "SHE THOUGHT YOU WERE THERE TO PROTECT HER LIKE A NORMAL MATE NOT KILL HER!!!!!! YOU MAY HAVE GOTTEN AWAY WITH IT THEN BUT YOU WILL NOT NOW!!!" I shouted, my eyes flickered. My wolf growled loudly. "Oh dear Lexi. There's one thing you don't know about black wolves, we get away with everything and I already have gotten away with the murder of your sister." He said chuckling. "And how did you get away with it" I said growling. "I got away with it because one she's dead, two you never had the guts to tell your family, three my brother will never have a mate now, four your just weak and would never have the guts to kill me, and five there's nothing anyone can do about it because no one knows except you" he said. Out of no where I heard a voice that said in a deep tone "She's not the only one who knows" this voice was familiar. It was Aiden. "Hello brother" ace said looking at Aiden "Ace"Aiden said growling.

"How dare you murder her sister and get away with it!" Aiden shouted. His eyes flickering from green to red which I had never seen from any wolf but him. "Aiden get out of here this is a fight between me and him!" I growled

"Are you going to kill him?" Aiden asked

"I'm sorry Aiden but I must." And with that Ace was already gone. He had run. My eyes were completely purple. My fists were tight. Aiden was trying to calm me but I couldn't just calm down! My sisters killer is walking around living and breathing while my sister isn't. And she never will be again.