Awakened, System, Something's Different, New Dawn College,

Awakened, System, Something's Different, New Dawn College,

Being so close to the Top 10 representatives is akin to a small torture. There is still quiet a distance from them and i, but i have this feeling of not breathing. It's so hard to breath. Is this what they call aura suppression , but they haven't even released it yet. So powerful.

After a while of talking to the principal, they flew to the sky, maybe because they knew we were affected by their aura.

'I knew that, if you reach a certain level, you'll unlock the ability to fly, but seeing such an expert with the ability to do so in front of me is such a eye opener'. Someone beside me said.

Adrea: What's up John?

John: Am cool, You?

Adrea: Same. Anxious?

John: Yes i am, You?

Adrea: Same bro, Same.

""Ah"". We both sighed. Don't know when he appeared beside me, but after he did, we had this weird connected type of conversation. It soothe my nerves somewhat. Before we could continue chatting, Our principal, a bald man, came forward to the podium to say something, which am 90% sure, is related to the ceremony.

Principal: Gooday students, I can see that you all are getting pretty excited. Calm down, it's the awakening ceremony we're doing, not prom, where you meet your crush.

Maybe because he saw our appearance, the principal tried to crack a joke before he started his announcement to soothe our nerves. And he succeeded in doing so. After seeing the result of what he did paid off, the principal continued.

Principal: As you all know, today is the awakening ceremony, and what is the awakening ceremony? I don't think i need to explain. But to sum it up, It's the ceremony where people aged 15 and above perform to awaken their system. So pack whatever you want to pack now and follow me to the hall where the ceremony will be held.

After saying what he had to say, the principal left immediately and made his way to the hall he just mentioned.


Upon reaching the hall, i was stunned. The hall today, and the hall yesterday are totally not identical to the extent you'll feel that they are two different place's.

Immediately we reach the middle of the hall, the principal stopped.

Principal: We're about to start the ceremony, So please, drop and remove whatever is on you, I only want your uniform on your body.

After obeying what he said, the principal continued.

Principal: Now, i want all of you to get in a meditative position and relax, we will take care of the rest.

After saying that, he arranged us. Though we were suspicious and curious to why he did, we still obeyed.


[Third Person POV],

After seeing the principal arranging the students, the ten representatives in the sky talked to each other. "I hope we find talents here, the other side are getting suspicious lately", a representative said. "I hope so too, Even if it's just one S class talent", another representative said. "You do know that any class above A class is rare right?", a representative said.

It appears that while they are from different schools, the relationship is still harmonious, even though there's a storm breeding somewhere in the other side.

[Adrea POV],

After arranging us, the teachers at the scene brought out some glowing milky white stones and placed them in some areas.

Even though i can't see some of the area's where the stones were placed, i believe they are forming some kind of symbol.

And my suspicions where correct, because after the teachers placed the stone, they immediately left the scene, and when the last stone was placed, the other stones started glowing, forming a strange symbol on the ground that later rose 1 meter above our head turning into a magic circle.

Seeing that some of us were not concentrated, the principal shouted at us, reminding us to focus and meditate.

Remembering that this is my awakening ceremony, i quickly removed my eyes from the magic circle and focus on meditating. I did so for a while, and a few seconds later, i heard a sound in my head.


[System detecting new lifeform],

[Initiating lifeform],

[Lifeform Initiated],

[Awakening Class],

[SS Blue grade class awakening],

[SS class: Dark King awakeningfhfhfhuuf],

[Bloodline lineage activated],

[Divine Gold grade class awakening],

[Divine class: Ancient King awakening],


While this was happening to Adrea, outside, the representatives were looking at the students with expectations.

"There are some talents here". "True". "Wait, looks like someone is awakening a SS class". When the representatives were chatting among themselves, another representative interrupted them by saying this.

Immediately after hearing this, they quickly looked at the students to see which one was awakening a SS class.

In a second, they found a boy sitting in a meditative pose, and around him were six circles, Purple in color, hovering around him.

The circles are what people outside use to know a person class level, and the color is what they use to know it's grade.

After finding the person they were looking for, they called someone to bring his information. "Name: John Stone, Age: 15,.....", Before the representative could continue, "Oh my, another SS class?".

After hearing this, the other representatives immediately looked for the student awakening the other SS class. " OH, a SS blue gra...", but before he could finish what he was saying, he found out the circles around the boy was increasing, 7, 8, 9, and it finally stop at 10.


[Adrea POV]

After opening my eyes, i found 10 golden circle hovering around me, they were beautiful.

"Mr Adrea". I heard someone call me, but the weird thing was the 'Mr' in front of it. Am i really that old? Am only 15! Am still young!

"Mr Adrea", i heard the person call me again. Opps, looks like i got distracted.

Looking at the direction of where the voice was coming from, i was stunned, then flustered. Why are the representatives in front of me! "Hi", "Hello", Fuck, what am i doing.

"Mr Adrea", the voice called me again in a calm tone. Maybe because of the way he spoke, i calmed down and looked at him and the other representatives behind him, and i noticed something strange.

Why do they look like they are trying to please someone. "Mr Adrea, Have you ever heard of New Dawn College?", he asked, "No, I haven't". I answered back. And am curious, New Dawn College, I've never heard of the college before, and for the tone he used, it appears that this school have power.

"It's not surprising that you don't know but, New Dawn College was founded by the strongest man".


After talking with the representatives about some things, and congratulating John on his successful class awakening, i immediately head home to sort the thoughts in my head.

Apparently, it's possible to know about a person class level and grade from the awakening ceremony through the use of the circle and it's color.

They all think that my class is of the Divine level. Though it really is on the Divine level, it was originally SS. Something's Different.

Something changed my class, and it must be this thing called Bloodline Lineage. Am sure. It's a pity all new awakened must wait before they see their status.

According to the representatives, i will surely be able to enter New Dawn college, but it will be better to participate in the college exams in a weeks time.

It looks like it's time to travel.


Authors Note: The real plot of the story will start in the next chapter, so just to remember some things:

We have 12 Class level in existence:

D Class

C Class

B Class

A Class

S Class

SS Class

SSS Class

Earth Class

Heaven Class

Divine Class

God Class

Supreme Class,

And Human are categorized in levels. Human levels that are currently known:

Level 1 to 10 [Mortal],

Level 11 to 20 [Evolved Mortal],

Level 21 to 30 [Evolved],

Level 31 to 40 [Bronze Mortal],

Level 41 to 50 [Silver Mortal],

Level 51 to 60 [Gold Mortal],

Level 61 to 70 [High Human],

Level 71 to 80 [ArchHuman],

Level 81 to 90 [Demi God],

Level 91 to 100 [God],

Magic Affinity can also be classified into: Basic, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Ancient.

Basic magic: Fire, water, air, earth.....

Rare: Lava, Ice, Metal, Healing, Lightning, Beast taming...

Epic: Blood, Summoning, .....

Legendary: Life, Death....

Ancient: Space, Time...

Grades: White, Blue, Green, Purple and Gold.

World Powers

Apart from the current government and military, various individual structure like Guilds, organizations, families and Empire's, rose to power. Now, Apart from 1 Government and Military, we have the 2 Great Factions, 4 Great Empire's, the Fire Empire, the Water Empire, the air Empire, and the Earth Empire. The reason why they are named after the four basic elements is because it's in the territory of this Empire's, you'll find that the human's residing in each Empire have corresponding Element. E.g, The fire Empire will have most of their citizens having powers relating to fire, and in Earth Empire, you'll find most of their citizens having Earth related powers and so on. Then we have the Five Great Families. The Blood Family, The Summoning Family, The Plant Family, The Sword Ki Family, and The Spear Qi family.

Organizations like the Merchant Organization, the Adventurers Organization, the Mage organization, and the Assassin Organization.

Factions: LIght and Dark


Please check out my other novel.



Where am i?

[Welcome new rulers],

[You have been chosen],

[This is your opportunity to have fame, wealth, and power],


Billions of people from different world have transmigrated to another world in a fight for survival and dominance against other rulers and Rex appears to have been accidentally summoned here.


Without my Golden finger, am OP,

With it, am still OP, But with Cheats



Where am i?

[Welcome new rulers],

[You have been chosen],

[This is your opportunity to have fame, wealth, and power],


Billions of people from different world have transmigrated to another world in a fight for survival and dominance against other rulers and Rex appears to have been accidentally summoned here.


Without my Golden finger, am OP,

With it, am still OP, But with Cheats


My Discord: Emmanuel_Peter203#1227