Registering, World wide Livestream, Lily Heart

Registering, Worldwide Livestream

Seeing that it was 7:00 AM on the dot, my siblings and I got ready to go to the location given by the representative. The place where the exams would be taken was located in the center of Base 1. Before going though, I went to satisfy my needs by going to the mirror to admire myself.

Ever since the change that happened to my body, I noticed my character and habits seemed to be changing. I don't know how far they've changed though, because, with my siblings, I still behave the same way as before with them. If anything, I would probably say am getting obsessive and protective over them. I wonder if this is good. I know too much of something is not good, but I can't stop myself from doing so.

While admiring myself, I looked at the image being reflected in the mirror. A 15 years old teen with black and white hair, giving off a unique charm, and bluish-white eyes were looking back at me. "Damn, Am I a fallen angel? I look too damn good. Especially after the haircut". "Big brother, we're waiting!", Leo shouted saying, "I Am coming, just a sec". Reluctantly removing my eyes from my reflection, I observed my dress for today.

Starting from head to toe, everything I was wearing was colored in black. Black leather Glove, Black leather pants, a Black long sleeve t-shirt, with a Black leather jacket tied around my waist, and black shoes. This was one of the clothes I found in the hall storage in the ancient world that was suitable for me.

It was also then, that I found out that I could bring things back from that world, but not everything. For example, I could not bring back a VR machine from that world to this world, but I could bring back 'Less important objects'. Like this set of clothes I am currently wearing. It was categorized by the system under less important objects. Even though it's called less important, this set of clothes was made from the skin of a Level 30 snake monster whose defensives were higher than some monsters above its level.

"Big brother, we're waiting!". This time it was the usually patient anna that shouted. Knowing I had wasted a lot of time, I packed everything belonging to my siblings and i and put them in the inventory. Since this is the last day am staying here, I returned the key to the blushing big sister, held my siblings in both hands, and disappeared under the gaze of the people.


"Big brother, Big brother, Look, Look, That gate is so big". Immediately after arriving at the center of Base 1, which is one of the busiest places in the world, my siblings got excited all of a sudden, perhaps, it's because they have never seen a place so big and lively before. And since the college exams are starting at noon, which will take quite some time, I allowed them to do as they wish.


Noon came faster than I expected, and my siblings haven't had enough fun yet and were on the verge of crying. So I was forced to promise that after am through with my exams, I'll take them out. And that's that.

Right now, in front of me, was a massive amount of people gathered in one place, and yeah, am at the location where I'll take the college exams. And honestly, I really don't want to go into that mass of human beings squeezed together, I might not be able to control my emotions if they touch me, and for them not to touch me is impossible. Ugh, this damn self-important habit is acting up again.

???: It's suffocating just looking at it right?

Adrea: Yeah. Except I have no other choice, I don't want to tarnish my appearance by mixing up in that mess. Uh? Who are you?

I don't know when, but a girl that looks similar to my age appeared beside me, and I subconsciously had a short conversation with her. Wanting to properly see the person who I just had a conversation with, I observed her appearance. And I have to say, she is really beautiful, has a petite-sized body, but was not too short. She wore a costume similar to mine, but was green in color, matching her hair color, and with the costume appearance, more gentle looking than mine. Totally the type of girl that will make 10 out of 10 guys look back at least twice. But, that's not all, what appealed the most to me was the presence coming out of her. A level 17 [Evolved Mortal].

Something confusing though, is that after I replied her, she let out a laugh, but quickly hid it, though she is doing a terrible job at it. At least she answered my question.

???: My name is Lily.

Lily: Lily heart from the plant family, Nice to meet you. Saying this, she held her hand out in form of a handshake.

Adrea: Adrea dark, from the, from the, from the, just Adrea Dark, nice to meet you. After embarrassing myself there, I received her handshake, to which she finally laughed.

Lily: You know, before you sounded a lot more narcissistic.

Adrea: Did I?

Lily: haha, she laughed again. It appears that lily is a cheerful girl.

And that was how I made contact with one of the five great families.


After chatting with lily, who's from one of the Great families, I found out that only after registering our names are we qualified for the exam, and I also found out that this exam only has one process, and that's hunting.

Hmmm, I've never hunted before, but I have a lot of battle experience, so I don't think I'll perform badly.

Lily: And also, the exam will be live-streamed throughout the world. It's time for the people to know more.

Adrea: Uh, live-streamed?.

It appears that many things are happening in the background of this world. But now is not the time to think about them, because I sensed someone coming from the sky, and lily did too. I guess it's time for this exam to finally start then.


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