Start of the college exams, Friend?

Start of the college exams, Friend?

[Adrea POV]

After settling the issue concerning my siblings, my heart was a little more at ease. Now, I can focus more on passing the exams without worrying more about them.

"In the next 30 seconds, I'll assume that you all have done what is asked of you, then will I officially start this exam", the demigod said. After the 30-second mark passed, the demigod addressed us again. "Since all that needs to be done are completed, Then I officially announce the start of the college exams".

Immediately after he finished saying what he had to say, I felt an overwhelming amount of mana in the surroundings, then a magic circle appeared in the center of the crowd, expanding to the feet of all the college exam participants before it shined so brightly I had to close my eyes.

It happened so fast that I couldn't react, and in the next second, I had a feeling of being moved. By the time I opened my eyes, I saw a different scenery.

In a forest full of ancient trees, and the clear sky dense with helicopters, Hovering vehicles, and so on, was the scene played before my eyes.

"To clear your confusion, this is the location where the exam will be carried out", and the Hovering things you see up there? are reporters broadcasting this exam. Yes, I said the exam today is being broadcasted. The exam happening today is being live-streamed so that the entire world can see it. So if I were you, I'll try my best to perform well today, in case you don't get accepted to the school of your choice, you might get lucky and catch the eye of someone powerful, who's willing to take you under his wings", he said and continued.

"But before we get to the main stage, It appears that registration has not been taken yet, and to be honest, with the number of people here, registering will just be a waste of valuable time. And since the theme of this exam is to display your abilities, registering for the exam is being canceled. Now, we'll just use something more simple and efficient."

After hearing the demigod address the issue concerning the number of participants, my doubts about how the registration will be carried out were cleared. Though I wonder how simple it is.

"As you all have noticed, as long as you're not blind, the light up there, that is pretty much visible to everyone here". Like he just said, in from of us was an ancient-looking forest, and deep inside this forest is a brightly lit light, that looks like a mini sun, hovering above the forest. "And for this exam, reaching that light is passing mark for this exam. Simple right"? The demigod said.

I have to agree, that does sound simple. Before I could rejoice about how easy the exam was, the demigod said a scary sentence: "I have to warn you though, in this forest, There is a total of 2,000 monsters above level 20, 8,000 monsters above level 10, and 10,000 monsters above level 1".

I KNEW IT. There's no way the exam will be that simple. What bullshit passing mark? Most of them here will die immediately after setting foot in the forest.

As I was already close to cursing the demigod's 13th generation, the demigod said: "It's not like the monsters in the forest are just there without reasons, if I wanted to now, I can wipe out all of them with just a single thought". "With that said, the monsters in the forest are opportunities for those that will not be able to reach the light on time. So by killing monsters, you get points, and with enough points, you can enter the school of your choice. and whether you pass or not, the points obtained from killing monsters can be exchanged for treasures or coins depending on you".

After listening to the demigod's explanations, and understanding the advantages of the monsters in the forest, all the pain in my aching heart immediately disappeared without a trace.

Lily who was also beside me had an excited face, and am sure it was not the coins that got her excited. Then it can only be these 'Treasures', because being an individual who can summon a personal butler, whose level is comparable to the representative I meelt before, means that she is someone of status in the Plant Family.

Calming down my excitement, I listened to the demigod's words. "The points are calculated by the level of monsters killed.

"A monster is worth 1 point, and a level 1 to 10 monster will give you twice the points received according to their level, A level 11 to 20 will give you thrice the points received, and a level 21 to 30 will give you five times the points received. For example, a level 5 monster is worth 5 points, and a level 1 to 10 monster will give you twice the points received, meaning that a level 5 monster will give you 25 points, [5 x 5=25], and a level 15 monster will give 3,375, [15 x 15 x 15= 3,375], and so on. And to avoid unfairness, A mortal level awakened is allowed to hunt from the outer part of the forest and deeper, a evolved mortal level awakened is allowed to hunt from the inner part of the forest and deeper, and an evolved awakened is allowed to hunt in the center part of the forest". "And that's all I guess, So start".

Immediately after the demigod gave the permission to start, the crowd rushed into the forest like they were at war. I did not leave immediately because my path and lily's path were blocked by someone with a red coat and a hood.

???: Lily, It's so nice to see you here. Just by taking a glimpse of you, I feel this day is already blessed.

Lily: And just by breathing the same air as you, makes me feel suffocated Chris.

Chris: Haha, very funny lily. As always you're perfect.

Lily: Hmph.

Chris: Don't look so angry, and besides, I only came to remind you of our family bet. Have a nice day.

Lily: Tsk.

After Chris left laughing, what a strange guy, lily has been gritting her teeth in anger, and this time, she was angry for real. After hesitating for a while, I asked her: "hm, was that guy a friend?", With my words bringing her out of her thoughts, lily looked at me but after hearing my question, she clicked her tongue in annoyance, and answered me saying:

Lily: Just some low-life viscount from the blood family.

Adrea: Viscount?

Lily: Yes, viscount. The blood family has its level categorization recognized by the system.

Level 1 to 10 [Blood Baron],

Level 11 to 20 [Blood Viscount],

Level 21 to 30 [Blood Earl],

Level 31 to 40 [Blood Maquiess],

Level 41 to 50 [Blood Prince],

Level 51 to 60 [Blood Duke],

Level 61 to 70 [Arch Blood Prince],

Level 71 to 80 [Arch Blood Duke],

Level 81 to 90 [Blood King],

Level 91 to 100 [Blood Emperor],

Adrea: Is this the only type you know of?

Lily: I also know the Sword Ki level categorization

Level 1 to 10 [Sword User],

Level 11 to 20 [Sword User],

Level 21 to 30 [Sword Master],

Level 31 to 40 [Sword Master],

Level 41 to 50 [Sword King],

Level 51 to 60 [Sword King],

Level 61 to 70 [Sword Emperor],

Level 71 to 80 [Sword Emperor],

Level 81 to 90 [Demi Sword Saint],

Level 91 to 100 [Sword Saint],

Adrea: Thanks. Hm, Can I help you with anything?

Lily: There's nothing....Hm, Can you take me to the inner part of the forest? You don't have to force yourself if you can't.

Adrea: Don't worry. I just have to take you to the inner part right?

Lily: Y-yes.

Adrea: Okay, Give me your hand.

Lily: O-okay.

Adrea: Don't let go.

Lily: Uh?

"Shadow Magic: Shadow World".


[Please comment and tell me your honest opinion about this chapter and the one's leading to it]

Authors Note: In the next chapter, more characters will be introduced. So am going to note the most important info here, so we don't confuse ourselves in the next chapter, or you can simply read the auxiliary chapter since it's the same thing that is written here.



Adrea Dark: Our MC, The Main character of the story.

Annabella Dark: Junior Sister of Adrea.

Leonard Dark: Junior brother of Adrea.

Lily Heart: Adrea's friend and a member of the Plant family.

Chris ???: ???? ??? and member of the blood family.

12 Class level in existence:

D Class

C Class

B Class

A Class

S Class

SS Class

SSS Class

Earth Class

Heaven Class

Divine Class

God Class

Supreme Class,

Human levels that are currently known:

Level 1 to 10 [Mortal],

Level 11 to 20 [Evolved Mortal],

Level 21 to 30 [Evolved],

Level 31 to 40 [Bronze Mortal],

Level 41 to 50 [Silver Mortal],

Level 51 to 60 [Gold Mortal],

Level 61 to 70 [High Human],

Level 71 to 80 [ArchHuman],

Level 81 to 90 [Demi God],

Level 91 to 100 [God],

The blood family has its level categorization recognized by the system.

Level 1 to 10 [Blood Baron],

Level 11 to 20 [Blood Viscount],

Level 21 to 30 [Blood Earl],

Level 31 to 40 [Blood Maquiess],

Level 41 to 50 [Blood Prince],

Level 51 to 60 [Blood Duke],

Level 61 to 70 [Arch Blood Prince],

Level 71 to 80 [Arch Blood Duke],

Level 81 to 90 [Blood King],

Level 91 to 100 [Blood Emperor],

Sword Ki Family level categorization

Level 1 to 10 [Sword User],

Level 11 to 20 [Sword User],

Level 21 to 30 [Sword Master],

Level 31 to 40 [Sword Master],

Level 41 to 50 [Sword King],

Level 51 to 60 [Sword King],

Level 61 to 70 [Sword Emperor],

Level 71 to 80 [Sword Emperor],

Level 81 to 90 [Demi Sword Saint],

Level 91 to 100 [Sword Saint],

Magic Affinity can also be classified into Basic, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Ancient.

Basic magic: Fire, water, air, earth.....

Rare: Lava, Ice, Metal, Healing, Lightning, Beast taming...

Epic: Blood, Summoning, .....

Legendary: Life, Death...

Ancient: Space, Time...

Grades: White, Blue, Green, Purple, and Gold.

World Powers

Apart from the current government and military, various individual structures like Guilds, organizations, families, and empires, rose to power. Now, Apart from 1 Government and Military, we have the 2 Great Factions, 4 Great Empire, the Fire Empire, the Water Empire, the air Empire, and the Earth Empire. The reason why they are named after the four basic elements is that it's in the territory of this Empire, you'll find that the humans residing in each Empire have the corresponding Element. E.g, The fire Empire will have most of their citizens having powers relating to fire, and in Earth Empire, you'll find most of their citizens having Earth-related powers and so on. Then we have the Five Great Families. The Blood Family, The Summoning Family, The Plant Family, The Sword Ki Family, and The Spear Qi family.

Organizations like the Merchant Organization, the Adventurers Organization, the Mage organization, and the Assassin Organization.

Factions: Light and Dark

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