Prodigies of the world powers? Show of power?

Prodigies of the world powers? Show of power?

Around us were teens that appear to be of similar age. And according to Lily, These guys have some serious background.

'Ah', I sighed.

When I came, all that was in mind was getting a good result and being admitted to New Dawn. I never asked for this. It's one thing to see a member of a great family and meet another later than to see prodigies of the greatest power in the world. No matter how you look at this, It reeks of trouble. 'Ah', I sighed again. "Do you know that the more you sigh, the faster you get old", Lily said. "Say that to the humans 10,000 years ago", I retorted without thinking. It was only later I remembered who I was talking to, but it appears that she was not angry, so I kept my apologies to myself and observed the so-called prodigies, and if I do say so myself, it's only when you compare yourself with others, do you truly know your worth.

I've always thought that if I should ever cross the path of one of the heirs of the world powers in this world, I should lay low to avoid getting defeated and used, but it was only now I knew my status in the eyes of others should be close to a genius of a monster level, because if the scene of this teens and I should be played out in front of someone who can sense our power levels, all he/she would see, is a bunch of monster genius 15 years old teens at level 17 and 18 Evolved mortals, and in this scenario, I'll be seen as a big figure in this group. With this thought in mind, I felt my confidence has reached its peak, So I became more daring. Of course, I won't be stupid enough to offend them for no reason, all I did was to let the presence I give out inform them that am not intimidated by their status. After sensing my change, they all focused their attention on me. If it was before, I might have felt threatened, but now, I felt nothing. It was then I noticed some changes among them. Some had looks of disdain on their faces, I naturally ignored them, and some had an interesting look on their faces like they found something new. I wanted to continue observing, but one of the teens came out and walked in my direction.

Switching my focus to the teen. I observed his appearance. He wore a silver-colored protective costume like lily and mine. It appears that the clothes amour am wearing currently, are present in this world, but only a few people of similar age as mine, have the luxury to wear one for an exam. He had silver eyes and silver hair, with a height of 5'6. He was Handsome, not as handsome as me though, but he still deserves to be called handsome, though he had a cold face. Like lily and I and the rest of the teens here wore similar amour clothe, his's was similar but sleeveless, and he had a sword at his back. Strange thing was, the sword was not tied or connected with anything but was always an inch away from his back like something was attracting it., so novel. I only stopped observing him when he was a meter away from me. Silence filled the surroundings, as all eyes were on us.

Only after a few seconds did he speak.

???: How did you get here so fast? That just now, was it teleportation?

Adrea:....... I kept silent as I looked at him with an emotionless face. Did he expect me to answer him with that type of tone?

???:....... Callan.

Adrea: Adrea.

Callan: Callan Night from the Sword Ki Family. He said with a little hard-to-find pride in his voice.

Adrea: Adrea Dark from the Dark Family. After the former embarrassing moment with lily because of my name, I promised to never let a situation like that happen again. So if someone mentions their family's name, I'll mention mine.

As Callen was about to speak, a voice interrupted him saying.

???: Dark family? I've never heard a name like that before. It appears you're a nobody. The voice said with a tone like she had a grudge against me. Before I could reply to her with words of my own, she spoke again, but not to me, but to lily by my side.

???: And you, Lily, I never expected you to stoop so low as to have a relationship with this nobody. Have you forgotten my brother!

Adrea and Lily: WE'RE NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP! We shouted at the same time, but instead of answering us, she and everyone looked at us, or more correctly, our hands. It was only then we realized that we were still holding hands. Embarrassed and ashamed of causing sure a misunderstanding, our hands separated from each other at a speed I did not know I have.

There was an awkward silence in the air for a while, it was to the point I could not bear it. As I was about to say something, Lily beat me into it.

Lily: How are you all here when we started at the same time?

Callen: We used a teleportation stone to get here. Didn't you receive yours?

Lily: I did not receive shit.

Adrea: language. I reprimanded.

Lily: I did not receive anything. She corrected herself. But really, why the hell will a cute girl like you use such words? Is this why that old man said that never trust a book by its cover? As I pondered about it, they continued their conversation.

Callen: Who was supposed to give Lily her teleportation stone. Immediately after he said that a magic circle appeared on the ground not far from us, with a figure emerging from it. 'Is that how a teleportation circle work', I thought. After the magic circle disappeared, we all looked at the figure that appeared. And it was a familiar figure if am not mistaken, his name is Chris.

Chris: Yo, how are you guys doin...

He hasn't finished speaking before a wood clearly made from magic appeared from the ground aiming for his stomach. The head of the wood was flat, so it was made just to hurt him.

Since it happened so quickly, Chris was unable to respond and was too late to think of a solution and just watch helplessly as the wood approached him. I could help him, but I chose not to because I felt he was doing bad things to Lily, who was my friend. And besides, that wood was made out of Lily's magic. As I watched the scene unfold, I noticed a silver light rushing to Chris's side and chopping the wood that was about to hit Chris into small pieces that later turned to dust before disappearing. And the silver light wasn't done yet, he rushed back to our direction with lily as his aim. How I knew he was a male and his aim was lily was because, while others could only see silver light, I could see the figure, he was Callen.

With his hands stretched towards lily's neck, I became furious. Since I appeared, you've always acted high and mighty towards me, and now, you want to harm an acquaintance in front of me? Since you've shown your powers, I'll show mine.

"Shadow Blink".


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