Encounter with a monster, Getting Famous?

Encounter with a monster, Getting Famous?

[Adrea POV],

After using magic to get to the center part of the forest fast with everyone, I departed with lily without saying a word to anyone, and unsurprisingly, they did the same, signaling the start of this bet.

Walking forward slowly with lily, I thought of what to do next.

Lily: .....Adrea.

Adrea: Uh, Lily? As I was thinking, lily voice brought me out of my thought.

Lily: Thanks. I just want to thank you. I don't know why you're helping me, and I don't care, So thank you for everything you've done for me, thank you for helping me in my journey in the forest twice, thank you for battling Callan for my sake, thank you for,

Adrea: Stop. Stop thanking me. It's awkward. Before she could continue, I stopped her. I know the reason behind her showing her thanks but I can't stand it if she keeps thanking me all the time.

After hearing my reply, lily stopped and stood in one place for a moment before smiling at me, it was more dazzling than the one before, and God was I stunned speechless. "Lily is really beautiful", I did not know when I blurted out this sentence, but after hearing what I said, lily appears to be pleased and came close to my face and said: "Oh my, Is our super strong adrea already falling for this miss"? When faced with this kind of scenario when a girl asks this question when she's just inches away from your face and is too beautiful that it is stimulating. But does she think she can be bold and tease me like this without me doing anything like a comeback? Then she's super wrong.

Bringing my face closer that the distance we had before became meaningless, and we could feel the breath and warmth that our bodies produce. At this angle, I was able to see more of lily's skin, and my God is it clean. And her scent is stimulating. Subconsciously, I took a sniff of her, causing her to shiver and call out my name in a weak voice.

Lily: A-A-A-A-Ad-rea.

Adrea: Yes?

Lily: Y-Y-Y-Y-You're really close. At this point, I could already see a teardrop from the corner of her eye. Wanting to tease her more to teach her a lesson, I brought myself closer and this time our body was contacting each other, making her body shivering more noticeable. Smiling slightly, I brought my mouth to her ear and said in a soft voice, "Lily". "AAAAAAAAAHHHHH", but it appears I've gone a little bit far and made her scream. After realizing what happened just now, she blushed in shame and shot me a hateful glare. Laughing at her childishness, I pinched her nose. I was about to make fun of her when I sensed something coming in our direction fast, and coincidentally, the helicopter from before and more arrived at the same time.

Ignoring them, I focused on the power level of the creature coming in our direction. A Level 23 monster huh? That 5 levels and a tier above me. And the difference between Tiers is not the same as going up 1 level, no, You are evolving to a higher lifeform, there's a difference.

After sensing the opponent's power level, I changed my stance to a combat-ready one and did not forget to tell lily to be careful even though she didn't need it and was already getting ready herself. Lily is not a weak girl she's way stronger than most of her peers at the same level, and to find a level 17 evolved mortal who's 15 years old is rare itself. The only reason why she was helpless against Callan was that, as she is stronger than her peers at the same level, Callan is, even more, stronger than his peers at the same level, whether they're the same age or not.

After seeing her through with her stuff, I turned my focus back to the opponent. Without waiting for long, I saw the opponent or more correctly, the monster. With an appearance of a 3-meter-tall blue-colored tiger, and freakish long tooths, with strong muscles, What appears to be a saber tooth tiger appeared in front of me.

With a low growl, the saber tooth tiger rushed in my direction intending to attack. Not wanting to be bested, I activated my aura and rushed out too. When we were both within the range of attack, the saber tooth tiger jumped and Slashed with his paw, bringing an intense gush of wind with it, destroying all everything in the surroundings. Dodging the attack by using 'Shadow blink', I appeared above the head of the saber-tooth tiger and attacked it with full force, causing more damage to the surroundings.

Still on the head of the tiger, I wanted to attack again but stopped when I felt the temperature and air had turned cold. Realizing it was an attack from the saber tiger, I' Shadow blinked' in a hurry and escaped from the range of attack which its mana can influence.

Seeing that its attempt to launch an attack has failed, the saber tiger stopped releasing its mana and rushed toward me.

It was then I heard a shout that sounded like a chant from a familiar voice.

"Earth Magic: Earth Spikes",

In a radius of 10 meters around the saber tiger, a magic circle appeared with the saber tiger in the center of it, followed by a dense amount of earth spikes varying in height from 5 to 7 meters appearing from the ground.

To avoid the attack, the saber tiger jumped high. Wanting to take advantage of the monster while it was still in mid-air, I punched the air with the total amount of strength my whole body can output, causing an intense gush of wind, making the air in the atmosphere look like it was about to break.

Seeing the dense amount of wind coming in his direction, and knowing that if it hits, it will be in a disadvantageous position, risking its life more. It attacked with magic while in mid-air.

Sensing magic gathering in the mouth of the monster and knowing it's about to attack using magic, I 'Shadow blinked' to a far distance, because even though am fighting at an equal ground with the monster, it's still a monster above level 20. It has evolved, so of course, magic attacks released by it are no jokes.

And my choice of decision saved me loads of trouble. When the Saber tiger released its magic attack, the surroundings immediately turned cold, and like a canon, ice shot out of its mouth stopping the air punch from earlier, and turning the spot where I was before into a frozen region.

Ignore the cold air creeping onto my skin, I rushed back to the saber tiger.

When the saber tiger landed on the ground again, thinking about attacking its opponent again, gigantic thorn plants emerged from the ground and attacked it. Caught unaware, the saber tiger was only able to dodge some but could not dodge all of them, causing him to be entangled by the thorns that were sucking its blood and kept it rooted on the ground.

Giving Lily an internal thumbs up for being the best support, I ran faster and 'Shadow blinked' to the front of the monster to land an attack before it could recover.

Upon reaching the front of the monster who was trapped by the thorns and was rooted on the ground, I gathered every single ounce of aura in my body into my fist, and punch the head of the saber tiger with all my strength, bursting its head open and killing it in the process.

Seeing the monster on the ground that was 5 levels and a tier above me dead, I couldn't help but feel proud.

Wiping the blood off my fist, I turned to go in the direction of lily, who helped a lot but stopped when I heard a sound in my head.

[Epic Mission: Get Top 1 in the College exam],

How can the position of the Ancient King be below that of someone else?

Win the bet and Get Top 1 in the exam, letting everyone know your name.

Depending on the popularity of your name, more rewards will be received.

Name known in 5 Base: +,

Name known in 10 Base: x,

Name known in 20 Base: x,

Name known in 30 Base: x,

Name Known in 50 Base: x,

Rewards: Ancient grade cultivation manual, Basic Ancient World Language.

What the hell? My name is already known in 5 Base? Am I getting Famous?


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