Opening system store for the first time, Buying a new phone, New information about the ancient world

Opening system store for the first time, Buying a new phone, New information about the ancient world.

[Adrea POV]

'System, open store'.



'Hmmm, that's way more normal than I expected. Won't lie if I said that I was expecting a wide variety of super powerful weapons or super rare skills immediately after I open the store... But I guess that's how it's supposed to be. "Lily", I called her and said, "What should I search for in the search bar? Should I search 'Phone' or a specific name?" I asked. "Just search 'Phone', and choose the type you want. The image of the phone will be beside the phone type, so just choose. and be fast about it". She said.

Following her words, I imagined the word 'Phone' in the search bar, and it appeared and disappeared from the screen with the search bar, and images of stylish phones coming right after, appearing on the screen.

But the phone names that came out were a little...

[1st Gen Phone],

[2nd Gen Phone],

[3rd Gen Phone],


And it continued without end, well not like I reached the end. Stopped when I was at the 53rd Gen.

Now, the puzzling part is all the phones are just improved Generations of phones from the past one. If it was just this, then it's okay. The thing is that all I saw was this and not any other type of phone. And from my conversation with lily and how she spoke, there should be quite a lot of phone types.

To clear my doubts, I asked lily a question. "Lily", I called her. "What's the name of your phone brand/Type?" I asked.

"My normal phone or real phone?" she asked.

What a f**k*ng bastard. She's clearly trying to show off.

Seeing her tease play out well, she smiled in a way that was creepy. Not that the smile was ugly, no, it was beautiful but felt like it was from the devil's daughter. Looks like apart from being bold, she's mischievous.

Not wanting to deal with her again, I ignored her and focused on the store, looking for the best phone I can buy that was within my budget which is 10 Gold coins at most, and thank heavens that the lower Generation Phones are ridiculously cheap even for a cheap person like me.

Ultimately, I later settled for a 37th Generation phone worth 10 Gold coins, which was really cheap. And I also love the phone though, because, in the details provided, it's a shapeshifting phone. Its real appearance looks just like a phone, and the other appearance looks like a wristwatch, really convenient.

After buying it, it was quickly snatched away from my hands by lily. Looks like she's curious about my choice of phone. Hope she doesn't make fun of me because it's cheap.

After waiting for a while to hear her laughing at me, nothing came, not even a giggle.

Puzzled and confused, I turned around and saw an infuriated lily that looks like she was about to explode. And honestly, she looks scary.

"Adrea", she called out in a slow and calm voice.

A little freaked out, I answered carefully. "Yes".

"When I asked you to buy a phone, why were you behaving like someone that can only afford the cheapest?" She said.

"Of course, I brought one of the cheapest. It's in your hand right now." Though I was confused a little about her attitude, I still replied carefully, so I don't step on a mine bomb.

"So you call this the cheapest? You bastard, You showoff, You bully." At this point, it looked like she was about to cry. "How can you call a limited edition that I can't buy because my pocket will bleed big if I do, cheap."

At this point, my mind went black. Did she just call a phone I brought for 10 Gold coins, a limited edition phone? Before I could ponder more about it, she spoke again.

"Though it looks vastly different from the ones in the store, am sure they're of the same type". She said while a little in thought.

When I heard her, I had a suspicious thought in my head.

'My system is different from others in that it gives mission. But does it mean my store is also different from others?' I thought. 'And again, the style of the phone looks like it was made from the ancient world'. As I was having some suspicions relating to the connection between the ancient world and the store, I was interrupted by lily.

"We're here", she said.

Bringing my focus back, I looked at my surroundings while being anxious about my rank in the rankings that I will soon know.


[I might drop a bonus chapter after the next chapter update. Just started exams, so am a little occupied]


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