Dual-Class, Diary?

Dual-Class, Diary?

[Rewards: Ancient grade cultivation manual{???}, SS Class: Dark Swordsman{SS}, Weapon manual{S}, Magic Grimoire{S}, Intermediate Knowledge about MagicTech{SS}, Thanbos Diary{???}, Shadow Blade{A}, 1000 Diamond coins],

Calming my overflowing excitement, I chose my next reward.

To be honest, I don't need to choose my reward in order, I just did it like this to understand the received rewards better.

That's that on that. Time for my next reward.

[SS Class: Dark Swordsman],

[Receive reward?],

Among all the rewards, it's this particular one that shocked me the most.

The part of the system upgrading my Class is something I still can't understand till this moment, But the idea of being able to give someone a Class? Class is something that can only be awoken. I don't know if the powerhouse outside can give a person a class, but if there is, it's surely at a great cost.

And here I am, having Dual-Classes. Something so rare it's normal to not find a single Dual-Class awakened in a hundred million awakened.

[Receive reward?],

The system asked again for my confirmation to which I replied "yes".

After replying yes to the system, different from the other two, I did not immediately feel a change in my body. Instead, a magic circle appeared on the ground below me, with me in the center of it.

With similarities to the magic circle I saw in school during the awakening ceremony, though this particular one was slightly more complex than the other, I felt mana rushing toward me.

Since am familiar with the process, I didn't close my eyes this time and witnessed how the six Golden circles formed.

And yeah, It's of the Golden Grade.

'I think anything given by the system is the best of the best', I thought. Seconds later, A Golden panel popped up and displayed some words similar to the one I saw when I first awakened, but with some slight difference.


[System detecting lifeform],

[Initiating lifeform],

[Lifeform Initiated],

[Awakening New Class],

[SS class: Dark Swordsman],

Seeing this, I immediately opened my status.

[Status Updating],

[Status Updated],


NAME: Adrea Dark,

CLASS: Divine Golden Class: Ancient King, SS Golden Class: Dark Swordsman,

LEVEL: Level 20 [Evolved Mortal],

Element: Dark Element,

Affinity: Darkness, Fire, Healing, Dark ki,

Physique: Sage body [Ancient Grade],

COINS: 40 Gold Coin,



TITLE: 10TH Ancient king,

"Now, we're getting somewhere", I said, after seeing my status.

Since the other rewards are materialistic, I chose the one I was most curious about.

[Thanbos Diary{???}],

[Receive reward?],

Never have I thought that a diary could be given as a reward. But that does not mean am not happy with the reward am super happy.

Though I don't know what grade it is, I know it's above {SSS} grade and that's reassuring enough.

[Receive reward], the system asked.

"Yes", I replied softly.

[Received Thanbos Dairy *1*Piece*],

Hmmm, *1*piece?

What does it mean by one piece?

Does it mean that the diary am going to receive is only just a part of it, and other pieces of the diary need to be collected before it can be complete?

I was given enough time to think, because I saw something similar to a USB Drive appearing out of nowhere, and dropping to the ground which I didn't allow by catching it by reflex before it did, I caught it by reflex.

Looking at the USB Drive in my hand, I was stunned again.

I thought I was going to receive an ancient-looking diary, not a USD Drive with a super cool design.

'What a weird system. It really doesn't follow the script at all, and just goes at its own pace', I thought.

Though I was thinking of this, my body was not idle.

Since it's a USB drive, then it needs a laptop or a computer for the content in it to be viewed, and I know exactly where to go.


As I made my way to a particular room located where I can be able to view the content on the USB drive, I thought about what to do after I get sent out of the ancient world.

First, I don't have a house, so I don't have a place to stay, but that can be settled with money.

The main point of worry is whether New Dawn is going to reach out to me or not.

Though i know am talented, I still can't help but get worried.

While I was thinking of this, I reached my destination.

Not wanting to think of things that will make me more worried, I made my way in by opening the door and entering.

Observing the room I had only come in once in two years, I couldn't help but smile about the reward I received can finally come to use immediately.

In a room with its insides designed like an internet cafe.

I chose a random seat and went there.

In front of every seat is a table with two metal-looking boxes on it. One big and one small.

And by the side of the table is a button.

Pressing it down, the two boxes lit up.

The big box, shaped like a square, had a hologram screen hovering above it slightly, and the small box with another triangle-looking box connect to it by wire, was shaped like a rectangle and was flat, had a hologram above it too, but the distance between the box and the hologram was only an inch, and the hologram too was sideways, with ancient looking letters on it.

Yes, this is a computer.

The big box is projecting a monitor using a hologram, while the small box is projecting a keyboard.

And by the side of the small box projecting the keyboard, is where am going to insert the USB drive.

After turning on the computer and inserting the USB drive, I went to the file manager icon and left-clicked it using the triangle-looking box that was working as a mouse.

Apart from being faster and more powerful, with the ability to do a lot more than the computer on earth, the way to use and operate it was the same way, making it easier for me to use it.

After the file manager opened, I went to the USB drive named 'Diary', and click it.

Thank heavens I received the ancient language first before receiving the diary. If not, immediately after turning the computer on, all I would see is unfamiliar language looking all the same to me with no difference, but thank heavens it's not the case, and can operate the computer quite easily.

Unlike normal USB drives that will display the storage and how many have been used after clicking it, this one displayed nothing and took me straight to its file.

After going around in circles for a while, I found out something interesting, the USB drive does not have a storage bar because it doesn't need it. It has infinite space in it.

And here I thought I'd destroy it after reading the content inside, but I already have second thoughts as it is now, but now is not the time to think of this.

Clicking the only file, also labeled as 'diary', a document in a pdf form, popped on the screen.

Getting into a more comfortable position, I started reading:

'I can't believe she forced me to do this girly stuff again. Like, can you imagine, I, Thanbos, feared by the heavens, writing a diary? If my enemies were to hear of this, am sure they'll laugh to death.

I really can't understand what she sees in writing a diary with a happy smile on her face every day. And the annoying part is she wouldn't let me see it. It's frustrating.

But even though am annoyed, I can't get angry at Alice no matter what she does".

As I was reading the diary of 'Thanbos', I stopped at a very familiar name I can't forget, even if I try to.

'Alice', this was the name I called before my spirit took over, doing the same.

As I was thinking of why the name 'Alice' would appear here, I had a suspicious thought immediately.

'Is this the diary of my spirit?'


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