Finalizing the registration, Future Classmates, and the Wild Agneya[7]

Finalizing the registration, Future Classmates, and the Wild Agneya[7],

[Adrea POV],

When I saw the green hair boy take the token from the two who were just arguing, I couldn't help but feel sorry for them because neither of them had the token.

But they couldn't say it wasn't fair because nothing in this world was ever fair in the first place.

'If they want fair, they have to have the power to have fair,' I reasoned as I continued to observe.

"What is this thing you call a token?" the green-haired boy questioned, carefully inspecting the token in his hand.

"G-g-g-give that back," the male voice said with his voice trembling.

'At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if he dies of anger,' I thought as I felt more sorry for the guy who looked like he was about to pass out of anger any time soon, while the female beside him had her chest going up and down with her left hand pointed at the green haired boy and her mouth opening several times to talk but with no words coming out because of extreme anger.

'With that look, people will probably think he kidnapped their parents,' I thought.

Even though they were enraged, no one spoke out against the boy with the green hair because they were unqualified to do so to begin with.

The green-haired boy, like me, was level 21.

Agneya and Tethys are both level 21 as well.

I'm curious as to how they're catching up.

'It has to be a treasure,' I reasoned as I was getting ready to act.

"So you guys aren't going to answer me?" said the green-haired boy as he did nothing to them, which earned him a point from me because he has the power to do whatever he wants now to get an answer but did nothing and was planning on doing nothing to them, as I could tell from his attitude.

"Well, whatever. I'll figure it out on my own ", the green-haired boy said as his body movement changed to one that suggested he was about to move.

Seeing this, I used 'Blink' to appear from his shadow after disappearing from my previous location, catching him off guard and quickly snatching the token from his hand.

I had cast a spell when he realized what I had done.

"Shadow Magic: Shadow World"

After chanting the spell, I noticed that my surroundings had changed and that I had appeared in a different location.

'Great! 'There's nothing in sight,' I thought as I took in my surroundings.

The spell 'Shadow world' is great because you don't need to sense or see a shadow to use it. 'Shadow world' gets around that restriction, but due to my lack of experience and mastery of the spell, I can't control and choose which shadow I want to appear from. I just helplessly watch myself appear in another location and hope it's a good one.

So I don't usually use the spell unless it's an emergency because it can be used to flee or move away from something.

The only reason I used it now is because I didn't know where I was going in the first place, so it wouldn't have made a difference, and I also didn't want to attract attention like the two earlier by fighting with the green haired boy.

I would cry if I saw the token I grabbed being grabbed by another person.

Unlike the previous location, this one was a little brighter, with signs of green life in the surroundings.

The only thing that remained constant was the walls that formed the maze.

'To be honest, the feeling of being caged and trapped with no idea where you're going or even where you are is really irritating and annoying.' I thought as I moved forward slowly, observing the token in my hand.

I discovered that the thing emitting light was not the token itself as a whole, but the symbol, which was in the shape of a square and had a symbol that resembled a dazing sun craved on it.

In the center of the sun-like symbol was an arrow that kept changing directions.

Curious, I infused mana into the token, and a bright hologram in the shape of an arrow appeared in front of me.

'So this is what the token does, huh?' The arrow was clearly pointing in a direction, and I considered this.

Because I didn't know where I was going in this unfamiliar place, I decided to follow the arrow and see where it take me.


After a while of following the arrow, I discovered after a while of following the arrow that I had never reached a dead end in the maze and had to turn back.

'Perhaps this will lead me to the exit,' I thought as I quickened my walking pace.


It was going well until I realized that I was passing through places I'd been before, and I'd been going in circles for a while, with the arrow pointing forward even though I took turns.

'Something is definitely wrong,' I thought as I tried to figure out what was going on.


[Third person POV],

After a while of walking, Adrea realizes that something is wrong when he discovers that he has been walking in circles for some time.

What he didn't realize was that a flower was growing on top of his head and that all around him were flowers and plants that were clearly bigger than they were supposed to be, releasing pink and red gas into the air.

Meanwhile, an intense battle was taking place in the location to which Agneya and Tethys had been teleported.


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And if you have any idea on the novel, or notice any fault, Please inform me.

It helps in making me a better author.



50 Power stones: 1 Bonus chapter.

70 Power stones: 2 Bonus chapters,

100 Power stones: 3 Bonus chapters,


50 Library adds: 1 Bonus chapter.

80 Library adds: 2 Bonus chapters.

150 Library Library adds: 3 Bonus chapters.
