Finalizing the registration, Future Classmates, and the Wild Agneya[12]

Finalizing the registration, Future Classmates, and the Wild Agneya[12],

[Adrea POV],

I'm not sure how much time has passed, but every second felt like a year in my eyes.

There has only been one thing that has meant the most to me in both my past and present lives.

My siblings were the only people who motivated me to get stronger.

I didn't want to get strong so I could be the strongest, or so I could dominate the world and other worlds if they existed, or so I could have everything I wanted, or so I wouldn't be a dog to others.

My sole motivation for becoming stronger is to provide a better life for my siblings, as they are all I have and want.

If I wanted to become stronger for myself, it was only to leave my name in history, but that goal pales in comparison to my siblings.

So seeing them like this made me realize I'd been deceiving myself all along.

Although I am stronger than most of my peers, my strength is still among the lowest in this world.

I'm not strong; I'm very weak.

"Please stop, please don't, I beg you," I begged the monsters not to harm my siblings as I tried my hardest to get these words out of my mouth while being suffocated and crying.

I, a human, had to beg a monster.

But it was obvious that these monsters enjoyed playing with their prey before eating, so when they saw me crying, they were overjoyed, but what they did next when they discovered the reason for my tears made my heart stop.

When they discovered that my siblings were the cause of my tears, they did exactly what I feared they would do.

First, they threw my siblings to the ground, giving the impression that they were tired of playing with them.

Of course, my sibling cannot know or understand this because they are too young to comprehend something like this, so as soon as their feet touched the ground, they ran in my direction, ignoring the fact that I had a monster beside me.

I was about to yell at them when the monster tightened his grip on my throat, destroying my vocal cords and rendering me speechless no matter how hard I tried.

Because they were children and this was their first encounter with monsters, their minds were quite unstable, and they both tripped before reaching my side.

The monsters acted at that precise moment.

They smashed my siblings' legs with their big hands, turning them to paste.

When this happened, I screamed, but because nothing could come out of my mouth, it only made my condition worse as blood continued to spill out of my neck and mouth as I saw my siblings faint from the pain of having their legs destroyed.

Though they had passed out from the pain and were unconscious, I could tell from their expressions that even though they were not awake, they were in the most excruciating pain they had ever known.

As if that wasn't enough torture, I had to watch the monsters eat the crying kids on the ground in a hurry because they couldn't wait to get to their 'dessert,' my siblings and I.

When they were finished 'eating,' they turned to face me and smiled before slowly walking toward my siblings.

Using their fingers to pick my siblings by the remaining part of their leg, I watched as they pinched it several times, waking my siblings up as they passed out from the pain.

The cycle continued to repeat itself as it became increasingly unbearable to watch, but I couldn't remove my eyes because they were my siblings, or more accurately, I couldn't remove my eyes because I couldn't bear to.

'Please don't do this, use me instead, not them, please leave them alone,' was the thought running through my head, but all that came out was blood and more blood.

At this point, my face was a complete mess. Mixed with tears and blood, I could tell Anna and Leo were in more pain than this, and as their big brother, I couldn't help them.

Given that my siblings are unable to handle the pain, this cycle will likely continue.

When the monsters were tired of the seemingly endless cycle, they had bored expressions on their faces and were contemplating what to do next, at least that's what I assume.

'These damned bastards,' I thought in agony as I continued my futile search for a way to escape with my siblings.

But this thought was cut short by what I saw next.

Both monsters were holding one of my siblings, and the one gripping my neck was changing the position in which he was holding me.

I was weak, powerless, and helpless at this point, as all I could do was watch what was going on while tears flowed uncontrollably from my eyes.

When they finished whatever they were doing, I watched the scene of my siblings slowly being devoured by the monsters, as my siblings would be lucky to be dead at this point.

The monster close to me was eating me alive as I watched my siblings being ravaged.

Powerless and helpless, I could only watch this scene unfold and bear the agony of being eaten alive as tears streamed from my eyes on auto mode.

My heart grew colder as more parts of my sibling were eaten in front of me.

When I saw the last body part of my sibling being eaten, I wanted nothing more than to die.

And my wishes were granted but in a completely different way.

Before the monster by my side could finish eating me, I felt the environment around me become hotter as the scene in front of me appeared to be burning and the pain I was feeling faded before another scene and surroundings appeared in front of me.

Due to what I had just experienced, I was confused, lost, and disoriented when I felt a warm substance on my face.

When I touched it and looked at it, I realized it was blood, specifically my blood.

When I felt something else on my head, I touched it and tried to remove it when I realized it was somehow stuck to my head. It hurt when I moved it a little, but that didn't stop me from pulling it out.

When I pulled whatever was on my head, it caused intense pain and a small amount of blood to spill out.

'Was it in my head?' I wondered as I examined the object I had pulled out.

The thing I pulled out looked like a rose flower, but instead of the usual red, this one had pink mixed in with it, and the roots of the obviously larger than its supposed size rose were blood, my blood.

It also appeared to be drained of its vitality.

Looking at my body and surroundings this time, I noticed that my current appearance was similar to how I appeared when stage 1 of my body was activated.

And all around me were dead flowers that appeared to have been sucked dry of their vitality, and the culprit for this, my flames, were still burning it, devouring whatever little vitality the flowers had left.

Looking down at the rose flower thorn in my hand, I tried something new: I used the analyze skill on a monster.

"Analyze," I muttered as I focused on the rose I thought was a monster despite its normal appearance, which I believe was false, a familiar golden panel appeared in front of me.

[Illusionist Monster, Level 43],

With this new information, I realized that everything I saw and experienced was an illusion, and nothing was real.

With this mindset, I lost control and burst into tears, crying my eyes and heart out without restraint.

'I never want to experience that again'


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And if you have any idea on the novel, or notice any fault, Please inform me.

It helps in making me a better author.



50 Power stones: 1 Bonus chapter.

70 Power stones: 2 Bonus chapters,

100 Power stones: 3 Bonus chapters,


50 Library adds: 1 Bonus chapter.

80 Library adds: 2 Bonus chapters.

150 Library Library adds: 3 Bonus chapters.
